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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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Sri Setyarini; Rahmat Agung Azmi Putra

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Sri Setyarini

English Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The learning trends of 4.0 have been warmly discussed among all EFL teachers to find out the learning goals, one of them is promoting the students to be creative, collaborative, critical, and communicative as demanded for industrial revolution. However, these goals have not been reached since most of English teachers keep using conventional learning strategies without integrating digital technology. This paper presents a study focusing on Higher Order Thinking Skills in digital storytelling to teach English in EFL context and the constraints faced by the teachers in implementing this learning strategy. A Classroom Action Research was implemented through three instruments, namely classroom observation, interview with students and teacher, and documentation. One class of eight graders and one English teacher were involved as the participants. The results reveal that HOTS in digital storytelling could be used as an innovative learning strategies since the students could explore and develop their digital literacy in their own way. It was gained through analysing and evaluating what they need and creating something as to fulfil their needs as problem solving. From the interview, the teacher stated that they still got lack of knowledge and experience to implement HOTS in digital storytelling because they were not well-literate so that they could not implement this strategy optimally.

4.0 Learning Trends, Digital Storytelling, EFL Context, Higher Order Thinking Skills.

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics



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Ghoffar Ismail

Islamic Education Departemen of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The article analyzes the value of tolerance in fiqh (Islamic law) books in Muhammadiyah Schools. Tolerance is an important value and attitude to be cultivated in a pluralistic society so that humans can live meaningfully and side by side with other parties. Since the schools provide learning materials and educational venues, they can play a very strategic role in spreading, promoting, and educating values of tolerance as well. Fiqh book and materials are specifically chosen in this study because they cover and regulate a broad dimension of Muslim life, especially in the realm of rituals (ibadah) and social (muamalah). Differences of opinion among ulama (Muslim scholars) are prevalent in this context. This article in fact will focus on the values of tolerance contained in the fiqh books that have been published by Muhammadiyah and discuss whether the fiqh materials provide an insight and basis for promoting moderate Islam (wasa&

Tolerance, Islamic Education, Jurisprudence.

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Prompt estimations of fill slope stability considering material uncertainties
An-Jui Li, Kelvin Lim

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Amanda Amanda

Taiwan Tech

Slope stability analysis is one of the most critical and important topics in geotechnical engineering and thus various stability chart solutions have been developed to provide quick first assessments of slope stability. Motivated by that, this paper aims to adopt an artificial neural network with the extreme learning machine algorithm to develop a convenient and efficient tool in assessing fill slope stability. The neural network is trained using the solutions from the finite element upper and lower bound limit analysis methods. Because the conventional deterministic approach would ignore the uncertainties in soil properties, this study also uses the same technique to develop a tool that is capable of performing a reliability analysis of fill slope stability. Therefore, the tools developed in this study are capable of providing not only a quick first assessment of fill slope stability but also a reliability assessment of the slope. They can provide information for design, inspection or maintenance judgement.

Decision-making; Limit analysis; Artificial neural network; Reliability

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Providing Digital Natives with Digital Teaching Platform: investigating their perception
Kurniawati Nur Fadhilah

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Kurniawati Nur Fadhilah

Language Training Center UMY

The ubiquitous use of technology that 4.0 revolution has brought about ought to not solely aim at catering digital native needs for technology but, more essentially, should also aim at empowering them competing in the 21st century global market. Hence, Digital Teaching Platform (DTP) must not merely be defined as transforming printed media to digital but rather as comprehensive design covering Collaboration, Bring Your Own Device, Flipped Classroom, Blended Learning, Project-based Learning, and Universal Design for Learning. This study is initiated by the concern of how Indonesia-s digital natives are not yet native to DTP for there is still a tendency of separating technology use inside/outside classroom and reluctance of escaping from the conventional teaching-learning comfort zone. With this study, in total of 24 Agro-technology students in Level 2 class (equal to CEFR band B1) will be assisted with two DTP sessions (90 minutes per session) benefitting authentic internet-based sources, Kahoot! interactive online game, MIT A12 Companion mobile application, and Goformative online assessment platform. Observation and semi-structured interview on 6 students will be used to investigate their actual perception toward the use of DTP in hope of recognizing an effective maneuver from conventional teaching to DTP necessary for our students.

Digital Teaching Platform, Digital Natives, Perception

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Pseudo Symbiosis between Religion and Politics

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Universitas Islam Nahdlatul Ulama Jepara, Indonesia, pakar[at]

This study is motivated by national social and political developments in Indonesia. The phenomenon that arises is that religion is used as a vehicle to achieve political goals. On the other hand, to accommodate religious goals requires support from the authorities policies. In other words, the existence and interests of religion need political support. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the pattern of relations and dominance between religion and politics. on the one hand religion is used as a means to achieve political goals. While on the other hand religious interests are also fought through politics. this study uses a normative, historical, and sociological approach as the analytical knife. The conclusion of this study is that in certain conditions the pattern of relations between religion and politics is symbiotic parasitism. In this case religion becomes the loser because there is no balance between achieving interests between the two. The phenomenon that appears is that politics dominates religion. this is evidenced by the achievement of political interests through religion as its vehicle.

symbiosis, religion, politics

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Public Open Space Policy in Kaohsiung Taiwan
Restu Karlina Rahayu

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Restu Karlina Rahayu

PhD Student, Institute of Political Science. National Sun Yat-sen University Taiwan
Lecture at University of Brawijaya Malang

Environmental protection is a major issue in Taiwan, the island susceptive by natural disasters such as typhoon, earthquake, flood, landslide and land subsidence. Therefore, it is a necessity to incorporate nature into city development planning. Since the 1980s Taiwan government proposed incentives for the local government trying to prevent an environmental disaster by providing public open space and enacting other policies and law. Kaohsiung is the second largest city in Taiwan after Taipei with rapid growth industrialized port causing more problems like transportation, pollution, poverty, birth growth, and more. Attempt to encompass the problem while improving people-s quality of living the Kaohsiung government developed a smart city as integrated solutions and build a lot of public open space. The public open space policy in Kaohsiung is in accordance with Articles 42 and 43 of “Urban Planning Act”, which is regulated to enhance the convenience of the citizen-s activities and to ensure a good urban living environment. Article 45 also stipulates the parks, green spaces, squares, childrens playgrounds, and stadiums. The public facility in this research is focused on parks. There are 37 parks in Kaohsiung. Parks is important for Kaohsiung people because parks are considered as part of the lifestyle and environmental protection specially to provide better air quality.

public open space, environmental regulation, environmental protection

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Pumping Experiment Test in Different Shape Factors
Thinzar Aye, Sunjoto, Djoko Luknanto

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Thinzar Aye

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada

The computation of pumping in groundwater storages still based on the general pumping formulas, although they have different condition of flows on the tip of casing. The groundwater drawdown due to pumping depends on well conditions, casing and geometric intake of the well. Based on these conditions, the aquifer test analysis has to use appropriated equations by using the intake shape factors. In 1930, Forchheimer was developed the first shape factors based on well conditions. In the subsequent years, researchers developed the shape factors equations with various well conditions. Some of the assumptions of shape factors are based on theoretical assumptions and have not been proved in the fields. These shape factors need to be proved and modify to get more reliable formulas by doing the experimental tests. The main goal of this research is to proof some of the existing shape factors related with appropiate well and aquifer conditions. The experiments under constant discharge will be carried out to get the correct formula of the shape factors. The benefit of these experimental tests is much simpler approach to the computation of groundwater in general.

Pumping Test, Shape Factors

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Pusat Pertolongan Allah Private Class (PPAPC) as a Media For Sufistic Psychotherapy in Moslem Community at Kudus
Fatma Laili Khoirun Nida

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fatma laili khoirun nida

Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

This study aims to explain the method of meaningful life psychotherapy (logotherapy) in a private class activity called the Pusat Pertolongan Allah (PPA) with thousands of members spread across Indonesia as a modern Sufi phenomenon. The approach of this research is qualitative by describing and interpreting indications of modern sufistic psychotherapy in the implementation of PPA training. Data obtained from information on several subjects as members of the private PPA class in the Kudus area as well as several activity instructors. The results showed that the Pusat Pertolongan Allah Private Class (PPAPC) can be used as one of the logotherapy media by using a neosufistic approach that is able to give psychotherapy effects to the community with problems of spiritual, economic, family crisis and problems of lifes meaning.

Psychotherapy, neosufistik, meaning of life, Pusat Pertolongan Allah Private Class

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Quality assurance of Flexible Pavement using Light weight deflectometer
Siti Isnaini Kurniawati Djaha (a) ; Hakas Prayuda (b)

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Hakas Prayuda

(a) Dept. Of Highway and Bridge, Ministry of Civil Work and Housing
(b) Departement of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Quality assessment in existing road pavement was used to decide the right action for road preservation. In Indonesia, the quality was measured by functional using International Roughness Index (IRI) and visually using Pavement condition Index (PCI) to evaluate driver convenience. However road quality structurally can be assessed by measured the deflection and elasticity modulus by using light weight deflectometer (LWD) test. Four (4) segments of national arterial road in Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara Province data were collected using Light weight defletometer test to find the deflection and elasticity modulus. The result of this test then compared to the result of International roughness index (IRI) test and Pavement condition index (PCI) on the same segments. The statistic result of mean, coefficient of varian and coefficient of correlation were obtained in this research

Ravement, Quality Assessment, IRI, PCI

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Chrisna Adhitya Pamungkas(a), Bambang Sampurno(b), Mashuri(c)

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Chrisna Adhitya Pamungkas

a) Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Indonesia, pamungkaschrisna[at]
b) Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Indonesia, bsampurno1965[at]
c) Department of Engineering Physics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Indonesia, cak.sam.mashuri[at]

Egg is one of the main protein source for Indonesian people. Egg quality is determined by the contents of the egg shell. The parameters these can be measured using a light intensity which can be used on the research method of light intensity that can be analyzed using sensor LDR (Light Dependent Resistor). The resulting parameter of this method is the value of the output of the ADC from sensor LDR. The results from soak the eggs with water of rice field has a value of read ADC<2 (the quality of the eggs is bad) with an average light intensity detected amounted to 0.01577, soaking the eggs in water, coffee has a readout value 35 (the quality of the eggs is good) with an average light intensity detected amounted to 0.8706646. So with an average light intensity detected amounted to 0.8706646. So that with several treatments carried out it can be concluded that the type of egg immersion affects egg decay.

Light Dependent Resistor; Eggs; Light Intensity; ADC

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Quality of Geometry Track Index As an Assessment of Track Quality Indicator Through Different Methods (Case Study : Cirebon-Cikampek)
Dyni Indar Karunianingrum (a*), Hera Widyastuti (b)

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Dyni Indar Karunianingrum

a) Civil Engineering Department, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia
b) Civil Engineering Department, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia

In order to solve the development of railroad organise traffic in Indonesia, particularly in Cirebon-Cikampek Line, where its course is the busiest course in the north Java. It can influence the state of the track geometry and causes a reduction in rail quality. Thus, there is a need for maintenance of a condition and track quality of railroad tracks by using a measuring train that will produce the value of the condition of a track. Track quality is defined as a numerical value that represents the relative conditions of the track surface geometry. The results of the measuring train show the value of the related parameters which are then calculated as the standard deviation so that the overall quality results of the segment are usually called the Track Quality Index. Some geometric parameters that affect the good or bad of a path include profile, alignment, gauge, and cant. In this study an analysis of the Track Quality Index (TQI) was based on Indonesian railroad standards and with reference to several methods. From the analysis carried out, several other methods are used to compare the results of geometry track quality, including Poland J Synthetic Coefficient and Indian Railways. Because both methods have the same parameters so that this analysis can be done. In this case, the Difference Test statistical method is used to compare the differences in the results of the analysis of TQI values from the two methods that have been used.

Track Quality Index (TQI); Geometry Parameters; Profile; Alignment; Cant

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Virgianti Nur Farida (a*), Isni Lailatul Maghfiroh (a), Trijati Puspita Lestari (a), Lora Permata Ariyastuti (a)

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Virgianti Nur Farida

(a) Universitas Muhammadiyah Lamongan
Jalan Raya Plalangan KM 03 Plosowahyu, Lamongan 62212, Indonesia

Chronic kidney disease and the treatment have an important part in shaping the QoL of patients receiving hemodialysis. As a result CKD affects the quality of life from the physical, psychological, social and environmental dimensions. A descriprtive analytic study was conducted in the hemodialysis unit of the RSUD Dr. Soegiri Lamongan. A total of 88 patients CKD with hemodialysis were studied. Patients QOL was rated by WHOQOL BREF questionnaires. The results showed that in the domain of quality of life, the low domain was physical with an average of 20 and the high domain was social with an average of 10. While most respondents with high quality of life as many as 78 people (88.6%) and a small respondents with medium quality of life as many as 10 people (11.4%). The results of this study can be concluded that most respondents have a high quality of life. However, the physical condition of CKD patients have significant problems. Thus, given the information by the hospital to overcome the physical disturbances that occur in CKD patients, so that his quality of life improved.

Chronic Kidney Disease; Quality of Life; Hemodialysis

International Conference on Nursing


Quantity and Quality Test of DNA Soybean Mutant Lines (Glycine max L. Merril) Resistant Athelia rolfsii Curzi
Anggria Lestami(a), Diana Sofia Hanafiah(b*), Revandy I. M. Damanik(b)

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Anggria Lestami

a) Student of Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, Indonesia.
b) Lecture of Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Jl. Prof. A. Sofyan No.3, Padang Bulan, Medan, 20155, Indonesia.

Soybean is one of the important commodities in Indonesia, but its production is still low due to the attack of the fungus Athelia rolfsii Curzi. Mutagenesis is one of breeding technique for creating gene variability for resistant of disease in soybean. The study aims to examine quantity and quality DNA of soybean mutant lines resistant Athelia rolfsii Curzi. The study was conducted at Plant Biotechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Sumatera Utara, Medan. DNA of 7 soybean mutant lines and variety of Anjasmoro was isolated using CTAB extraction method, quantity test using spectrophotometer and quality test using UVITEC Cambridge Fire Reader. The results showed lines that had bright and thick band pattern found in Anjasmoro, M100-25(2/7), M100-A25(3/4), M200-A11(39/7), M300-A8(35/7), while thin and less bright band found in M200-A11(32/3), M200-A12(6/5), M300-A6(33/3). The purity of DNA produced range from 1.84 – 2.00 and the concentration of DNA produced range from 72.9 – 847.3 µg/ml.

soybean, mutant lines, quantity test, quality test, DNA

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Rainfall Forecasting in Agricultural Areas Using GSTAR-SUR-NN Model
Agus Dwi Sulistyono, Hartawati, Ni Wayan Suryawardhani, Atiek Iriany, Aniek Iriany

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Agus Dwi Sulistyono

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Brawijaya University
Department of Statistics Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University
Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, University of Muhammadiyah Malang

The use of location weights on the formation of the spatio-temporal model contributes to the accuracy of the model formed. The location weights that are often used include uniform location weight, inverse distance, and normalization of cross-correlation. The weight of the location considers the proximity between locations. For data that has a high level of variability, the use of the location weights mentioned above is less relevant. This research was conducted with the aim of obtaining a weighting method that is more suitable for data with high variability. This research was conducted using secondary data derived from 10 daily rainfall data obtained from BMKG Karangploso. The data period used was January 2005 to December 2015. The points of the rain posts studied included the rain post of the Blimbing, Karangploso, Singosari, Dau, and Wagir regions. Based on the results of the research forecasting model obtained is the GSTAR ((1), 1,2,3,12,36) -SUR model. The cross-covariance model produces a better level of accuracy in terms of lower RMSE values and higher R2 values, especially for Karangploso, Dau, and Wagir areas.

cross-covariance, GSTAR Model, precipitation, spatio-temporal

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Rapid and Non-Destructive Prediction of Total Soluble Solids of Guava Fruit at Various Storage Periods Using Handheld Near-Infrared Instrument
Kusumiyati*, Yuda Hadiwijaya, Ine Elisa Putri

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Kusumiyati Kusumiyati

Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang 45363, Indonesia

Guava fruit is one of the most popular horticulture products because it has various health benefits. Once fruit is harvested, the fruit is still carrying out the respiration process during storage which results in changes in physical and chemical properties. One of chemical properties that is concerned by consumers is the total soluble solids, which explain the rough sugar content. This study examined the use of handheld near-infrared instruments to predict the total soluble solids of guava fruit at various storage periods rapidly and non-destructively. The research method used in this study was multivariate data analysis. Spectral pre-treatments were applied to correct the spectra and increase the accuracy of prediction. Calibration model was done by partial least squares regression (PLSR) and principal component regression (PCR). The results showed that the use of handheld near-infrared instrument was able to predict the total soluble solids of guava fruit with high accuracy. The best calibration model was produced on the model that was pre-treated by orthogonal signal correction (OSC) and calibrated using the PLSR. Coefficient of determination (R2) of calibration and validation were 0.848 and 0.722, respectively, while the root mean squares error of calibration (RMSEC) and root mean squares error of prediction (RMSEP) were 0.389 and 0.480, respectively.

Fruit quality, intact fruit, non-destructive sensing, rapid prediction, spectroscopy

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) for School Buildings after Earthquake in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
Asat Pujianto (a*), Hakas Prayuda (a), Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi (a), and Restu Faizah (a)

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Corresponding Author
Hakas Prayuda

(a) Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, 55183, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Jl. Lingkar Selatan Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 55183
Email: pujiantoasat[at]

This study discusses the results of the rapid assessment of school buildings in Lombok after an earthquake occurs. The earthquake in August 2018 with a high enough intensity caused a lot of damage to the building. The entire area of Lombok Island was affected by the earthquake including the school building. This study assessed 15 school building buildings on the island of Lombok. School samples were taken randomly from several districts that were rocked by the earthquake. The results showed that school buildings in all locations were part of a Non-Engineered Building where there were no results of analysis of earthquake resistant buildings. Overall the condition of the building is categorized as being moderately damaged with non-structural components such as walls not having good connections with columns and beams. In addition, the structure and attributes of the roof are also damaged by a high percentage. In some buildings, it still does not follow good structural rules so that it is very dangerous for building users in the event of a large earthquake. Improvements using the retrofitting method are one of the most recommended ways to improve the performance of buildings that have mild and moderate damage.

Building Assessment, Rapid Assessment, Earthquake, Lombok

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Real Time Mobility Analytics Applied to Transportation
Okkie Putriani (1)(2), Sigit Priyanto(2), Imam Muthohar(2), Lukito Edi Nugroho(2), Latief Budi Suparma(2), Ibnu Fauzi(3)

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Corresponding Author
Okkie Putriani

(1) Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
(2) Universitas Gadjah Mada
(3) Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi

The development of big data processing based on transportation today is facilitating human life and growth in transportation needs. Mobility data products as the innovation of the intelligent mobility system include for infrastructure developers, transport planners, and shared mobility services. The method of this research is descriptive comparative by using a set of secondary data from existing reviews by comparing between data collection, data fusion, and processing, information dissemination, and the impact of traveler information. The data analysis includes visual analysis, scalability, machine learning, fault tolerance, knowledge discovery, and open source tools. This study presents the comparisons of the mobility analytics service providers (Teralytics, Streetlytics, Spatiowl, Near) and the recommendation for developing countries such as Indonesia. The characteristic of the population in developed countries is different from the people of developing countries. This condition is a differentiator of the pattern of movements to be translated so that a relevant analysis is needed. Mobile Network Big Data (MNBD) will be extended in providing real-time geo-mapping references.

MNBD, mobility analysis, real-time, transportation

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Realize The Legal Certainty Of Waqf Land With Mobile Based Mapping Application Model
Onny Medaline, Sri Wahyuni, Siti Nurhayati

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onny medaline

Universitas Pembangunan Pancabudi

Waqf studies are not only seen in the scope of Islamic law alone. Waqf is now part of a legal concept in the form of legal rules both in the scope of private law and public law as a form of binding legal certainty so that its implementation can walk according to its purpose. Along with the current development, especially in the field of technology, which has an impact on social, economic, and cultural conditions. The use of technology in the field of information systems is one of the media that can be used to manage, save, and display data of an object, so that later it will provide complete information. In general, almost 80% of waqf land in Medan City has problems. The Mobile Based Mapping Application model will later create a database which aims to identify various waqf issues that occur on waqf lands spread across the North Sumatra region. This study aims to identify the location of waqf land, governance of waqf land, economic potential of waqf land, especially waqf land certificates as the basis of rights in the management of the waqf land. The results obtained will be combined with an information technology system that will provide accurate data. The main problem in this research is how the waqf land database system, to identify the base documents for waqf land rights, management of waqf land, and utilization of waqf land to collect data on waqf lands as an effort to realize legal certainty, especially those in Medan City. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative which aims to understand social phenomena from the side of the participants perspective

Model, The Legal Certainty, Waqf Land

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Reconstruction The Legend of Prigen in Media Digitization to Improve The Reflective Thinking of Students SDIT Al-Uswah Prigen
Wiedy Putri Fauziah (a*), Asrowi (b), Intan Hafrida (c)

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Wiedy Putri Fauziah

Faculty of Teaching and Learning, Postgraduate of Technology Education Department in Sebelas Maret University

This study aims to increase the love of local culture by getting to know local wisdom education from an early age so that it can foster character education and prevent the moral crisis of primary school students. Qualitative research methods were descriptive of phenomenological research designs. Data sources are legends in Prigen sub-district. This research data in the form of speech descriptions from several informants who tell the legend of Prigen. The subject of this study is SDIT Al-Uswah Prigen with objects, namely 150 students and 6 classroom teachers from 3 primary schools. The results of the study show that: 1) The continuity of the legend by increasing reflective thinking of primary school students, 2) Continuity of the legend with learning media. Creating a new paradigm of preserving the culture or tradition that has existed for a long time and is still preserved by society. Factors that are the background include; 1) regional sense factors and 2) social factors. The function of the legend is applied in customs to anticipate and be aware of the moral crisis in female students at SDIT Al-Uswah Prigen.

the legend, reflective thinking, primary school

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Recreational Value of Mangrove Forest and Tourists Willingness-to-Pay for Mangrove Conservation
(a) Diswandi, (b) Endah Saptutyningsih

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Diswandi Diswandi

(a) Universitas Mataram
(b) Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Mangrove forest produces ecosystem services that benefit human being such as protection from a tsunami, abrasion, carbon sequestration, place for fish nesting, and also for a recreational purpose. However, the values of mangrove forest including recreational value are often ignored. Several mangrove forests have been converted to other uses that commonly produce a more marketed product such as shrimp farm. As a result, loss of mangrove could lead to massive economic losses for the surrounding community once disaster such as tsunami occurs. This study aims to analyze the recreational value of the mangrove forest and estimates the determinant of tourists willingness-to-pay (WTP) for mangrove conservation. A mangrove forest in West Lombok Indonesia was chosen for the case study. Travel cost method was employed to capture the mangrove recreational value. Meanwhile, a logit regression model was run to estimates the determinant of tourist WTP for mangrove conservation. This study found an average recreational value of mangrove forest as much as IDR 109,000 (USD 7.7) per visitor per day. The tourist age, income, and education are significantly influencing their WTP for mangrove forest conservation. This study recommends the related policy maker to improve tourism facilities to attract more visitor to come.

travel cost method; mangrove forest; willingness to pay; conservation; recreation

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


Redefining The meaning of Diversity in Human Right Issues: ASEAN respon on LGBT issues in Southeast Asia
Dian Azmawati

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Dian Azmawati

Program Studi Hubungan Internasional
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (UMY)

ASEAN is one established regional organisation in Southeast Asia. Founded in 1967, ASEAN has been sucessfull in managing socio-political, economic and security issues in the region. This is an outstanding achievement knowing that Southeast Asia is a region with very diverse ethnic groups possesing diverse cultural values, religions and beliefs, diverse states and hundreds of years of diverse historical development, coloring the nowadays political life in each state. LGBT is one of many issues faced by ASEAN, and ASEAN has been critisized for its role in handling this issues. International organizations like United Nations has been questioning ASEAN in protecting LGBT rights and endorsing mainstream international thoghts on LGBT rights which heavily influenced by secular-liberal Western values to ASEAN. Meanwhile, Southeast Asian people has developed their own values and beliefs passed to many generations and has been successfull to create harmony among its people. This short article explores diverse approaches toward LGBT rights issues in ASEAN states that shape ASEAN values and roles in the region toward LGBT issues.

Keywords: ASEAN; LGBT; diversity.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Redesign Intersection with Roundabout and Pedestrian Service Analysis at 0 Km Yogyakarta
Prima Juanita Romadhona, Rizky Gusti Ranardi Putra

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Rizky Gusti Ranardi Putra

Civil Engineering Program, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Indonesia Islamic University, Indonesia

Malioboro Street is very well known as a tourism area connected with 0 KM Yogyakarta. Unfortunately, the traffic jam was often happened at the intersection of 0 KM. Since it is closed with the museum and the castle of Yogyakarta, there was a lot of pedestrian along the sidewalks. Hence, redesign of intersection and upgrade facilities of pedestrian were needed to improve the performance of the intersection. Using traffic and pedestrian volume, vehicle speed, and driving behavior as primary data and VISSIM as the modeling tools, the comparative performance of before and after the redesign was found. As a result, roundabout gave better performance than signalize intersection at 0 KM area. Additionally, the compatible crossing facility for the intersection was pelican crossing

VISSIM, roundabout, sidewalk, crossing

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Redesign Of Indonesias Decentralization Policy Towards Special Autonomy Model
King Faisal Sulaiman

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King Faisal Sulaiman

Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

This research is about redesigning Indonesias decentralization policy towards special autonomy which aims to identify and analyze (1) the polemic on the implementation of Indonesias current decentralization policies and (2) offer a special Autonomy model as the ideal concept for the future implementation of Indonesias decentralization policies. This research is a normative legal research based on the literature study, divided into primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, and tertiary legal materials. The approach used in the research area : (1) statute approach; (2) analytical approach (analytical approach); (3) comparative approach; (4) case approach (case approach) and (5) conceptual approach (conceptual approach). The library data that has been collected will be analyzed descriptively. This research concludes that the implementation of the decentralization policy nowdays still creates problems between the symmetrical decentralization model (regional autonomy) and the special autonomy models (asymmetric decentralization) but only specifically to Aceh, Papua, Yogyakarta and Jakarta. There is no Lex Specialis that provides an equitable legal umbrella for all regions to demand "special autonomy" as constitutional rights such as those granted to Aceh or Papua. Even though it is still considered a "trial an error", the choice of asymmetrical decentralized models (Special Autonomy) is the best rational choice for a very broad and heterogeneous country of Indonesia". Ideally, asymmetric decentralization policies in the future are no longer based on sporadic demands, but it must be designed that are comprehensively and systematically prepared by considering all aspects, especially human resources, natural resources, local wisdom, and the prevailing customary government system.

Decentralization Policy, Regional Autonomy, Special Autonomy

ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


Redevelopment Strategy of Sambas Orange Agribusiness
Rahmatullah Rizieq, Agus Dianto, Sri Widarti, Ekawati

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Ekawati Ekawati

Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Panca Bhakti

This research aimed to investigate the best culture strategy of Sambas Orange. The fruit was the icon of Kabupaten Sambas. The damaged Sambas orange plants were caused by some factors such as its trade system. There are many farmers who are growing the orange. They are expecting that the fruit become the icon of the place so that it can increase their welfare. This research was conducted in 2018 in Kecamatan Tebas, Kabupaten Sambas, the center of Siam orange plantation. The sampling was through two stages. The first stage was determining the sample of village through purposive sampling; Segarau Parit was chosen for its large area and high production number. The second stage was determining the sample of farmers through random sampling. SWOT analysis was implemented. The result of research revealed that the required strategy was aggressive Growth-Oriented Strategy or SO that is optimizing the field usage and seasonal arrangement. The proposed actions involved: 1) mapping field that is appropriate for orange plantation, 2) using the field for only growing orange, 3) improving post-harvest for fresh fruit to deliver, and 4) improving the trade system for equal benefits.

SWOT, Siam, Marketing, Citrus Centre, agriculture

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Reducing The Hemodialysis Patient Stress Level Through Progressive Relaxation
Hanif Habibur Rohman (1). Arlina Dewi (1). Warih Andan Puspitosari (2)

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Hanif Habibur Rohman

(1) Master Of Hospital Management, Postgraduate, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia
(2) Department of Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Background: Hemodialysis is an effective treatment carried out for patients with chronic kidney failure as an effort to improve the quality of life. 80% of hemodialysis patients experience physical stress disorder and psychosocial stress related to treatment. When faced with stress, the muscles of the body become tense as the abdomen becomes tense and cramped, the chest feels tight which has an impact on physical and psychosocial health so it is necessary to have stress management training through relaxation techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of progressive relaxation on stress levels in hemodialysis patients. Method: This is a quasi-experimental study with a pre-test and post-test with control group design. There were 58 respondents divided into 2 groups (intervention and control) and each group consisted of 29 people selected by random sampling. Measurement of stress levels using questionnaire Depression Anxiety Stress Scale 42 (DASS 42). Results: The Mann Whitney U Test showed a difference in the decrease in stress levels which was statistically significant (p <0.05). Conclusion: The audiovisual progressive relaxation training conducted at least 2 times a week for 3 weeks is effective for reducing stress levels in patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy for at least 1 month

Progressive Relaxation; Hemodialysis; Audiovisual

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Reference to Islamic Study Materials of UNJ Students
R. Siti Nurlela, Devi Kurniati, Aminah, Sari Narulita

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Sari Narulita

Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Increasing students Islamic insights not only formally through SKS lectures. Increasing Islamic insight is also carried out through non-formal activities, such as taking part in Islamic mentoring or studies organized by the campus dawah institution (LDK). Religious R & D The Ministry of Religion has conducted a study of books read by students active in LDK. The purpose of this article is to analyze the Islamic Material Reference which is used as a reference by LDK in improving the students spiritual insight. The research approach is made qualitatively, with the data collection technique is documentation, observation, and interviews.

LDK, Islamic Reference Material, Mentoring

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Reflection on the Village Natural Resource Management Policy
Ratnaningsih Damayanti and Rachmad Gustomy

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Ratnaningsih Damayanti

Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP Universitas Brawijaya

Although villages still receives allocation of funds from the government, they has been given the authority to manage the natural resources in their area. The BUMDes that are currently emerging can be categorized into two types, namely BUMDes that were created before the village law and BUMDes that were created after the village law. BUMDes that were created before the village law are currently growing rapidly because the law provides an opportunity to get more funding and cooperate with other parties. This paper will present how the characteristics of ownership of natural resources have impacts on the successful management of village natural resources. This paper argues that BUMDes that were created after the implementation of the village autonomy law showed several tendencies. First, villages with natural resources owned by the village government, the management carried out by BUMDes and managed to have a positive impact on the welfare of the community. Second, villages with natural resources that are controlled by the civil society show tendency of a tense relationship between the village government and owners. Third, villages that do not have natural resources allocate funds for the management of village resources but do not bring any benefits at all.

village natural resource, village assets, BUMDes

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Reflective Learning: How it could be implemented in Emergency Nursing Practice
Kurnia Putri Yuliandari

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Kurnia Putri Yuliandari

Department of Basic and Emergency Nursing,
Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing,
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Background: Emergency nurses often find themselves doing practice at fast changing situations routinely and repetitively, therefore they might miss some important aspects in practice that could affect patient safety and might miss the opportunity to learn from their experience. To deal with this challenge, a life-long learning strategy is needed. Researchers suggest that a habitual reflection can be beneficial, since a potential mistake can be identified and prevented by analysis and reflection upon what has gone previously. Objective: This study is aimed to look at how reflective learning could be implemented in emergency nursing practice, including what aspects that should be considered when implementing this learning strategy. Method: A general literature review was conducted, employing CINAHL, Science Direct, and PubMed to find relevant articles using search terms: reflection, reflective learning, reflective practice, combined with emergency nurses. The articles used in this study are published within 2005 - 2017. Two outdated literature had also been used in this study in order to build arguments and analysis. Result: At least four strategies are needed to integrate reflective learning into emergency practice. First, emergency nurses should thoroughly understand the core of nursing as a profession. Second, they must know the essential process in reflection in order to reflect appropriately. Third, since emergency nurses have to deal with time constraint, uncertainty, and high workload, they must find appropriate reflection approaches and analysing their strengths and weaknesses. Fourth, emergency nurses must be aware of over-reflecting and uncertainty, since they can compromise them to act immediately when delivering care to the patients. Conclusion: Reflective learning can be beneficial when assisting emergency nurses in learning and dealing with challenges in emergency department. Literature suggests at least four strategies to implement this learning method. Further research is required to find appropriate reflective learning approaches and models which most fit with emergency nursing practice.

reflection, reflective learning, reflective practice, emergency nurses, reflective learning in emergency nursing

International Conference on Nursing


Firman Mansir

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Firman Mansir

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

REFORM OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN THE SPIRITUALIZATION OF NATIONAL CHARACTER IN THE DIGITAL ERA Firman Mansir Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta ABSTRACT This research examined the reform process that took place in Islamic education on the value of the spiritualization of national character in the digital era. In this context, reform is an effort to develop, construct, and reunite educational values with the existing concepts that have become reference and source in the development of Islamic education, especially the spiritualization of national character to create a better situation than before. The reform of Islamic education is an Islamic revival in Indonesia, not only in the 20th century but until the digital era. The reform of Islamic education is seen critical in the context of the spiritualization of national character, given the destruction of moral values, the widespread of injustice, and the lack of solidarity occurred in the educational context. This is library research, a research study that is sourced from library materials using a qualitative approach. Thus, the process is done by exploration of some primary and secondary data with concrete steps as follows: deeply reading and examining the primary data such as books as the results of research, theses, and dissertations related to this topic. Therefore, the reform of Islamic education in the digital era leads the students to be intellectually and spiritually smart in regard to create a generation with strong and positive characteristics.

Reform, Islamic Education, Spiritualization, Character, and Nationality

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


Regulations And Ethical Implementation of CSR Program in Indonesia and Malaysia (Case Study: CSR Program of PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika Indonesia and CSR of Int3Tree Malaysia)
Adhianty Nurjanah1, Frizki Yulianti Nurnisya2

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Adhianty Nurjanah

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi

Public Relations plays essential role to maintain mutual understanding between cooperation and its dynamic enviroment. Many activities can be done by PR officer, especially Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a breakthrough rule of the game and business ethic in which companies are accounted for. There are at least three overlapping waves: good corporate governance; corporate citizenship and triple bottom line; and business and human rights as the latest wave relased by United Nations. Based on these waves, this research will analyze CSR program carried out by PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika Indonesia and Int3Tree Malaysia. This research method uses case study methods and belongs to the type of qualitative descriptive research. Indepth interview will be done as the primary data and would highlight the laws and ethic issues that implemented between those company.The results show that there are any difference regulation between Indonesian and Malaysian government to conduct CSR program. These differences makes each company made different ethical implementation. Thus, Indonesian company still on secondary waves, corporate triple bottom line. On the other hand, Malaysian company move on to business and human rights.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Regulations, Ethic

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


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