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The 3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Innovation (ICoSI 2019)

Event starts on 2019.07.30 for 2 days in Yogyakarta |

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Diana Kurniawati

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Diana Kurniawati

Universitas Widya Mandala

Essay writing course for university students is essential to facilitate them in preparing their final paper. The students need to be guided in writing essay thus they can improve their writing skill and be more aware of how to organize the academic essay. The role of teacher additionally is guiding the students to achieve the level through consultation. The researcher conducted research on the students perception on student-teacher consultation and the influences of student-teacher consultation on students writing proficiency. The researcher conducted survey research in which questionnaire and interview were used as instruments. The result of the study showed that students got improved the writing proficiency since they had positive attitude to the implementation of student-teacher consultation.

student-teacher consultation, writing proficiency, academic essay writing

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Integration of MALL to Enhance Students Speaking Skill : an Autonomous Learning Model
Nafisatul Lutfi

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Nafisatul Lutfi


Mobile Assisted Language Learning is a new approach for the students to learn language by the use of mobile technology. Learning language should not only happen in a class setting activity but also happen outside the class in which the students take charge of their own learning. Hence, it requires students autonomy in learning the language. Students are now able to carry out their learning without depending on the teachers which then lead to a sustainable and independent learning process. This paper aims to introduce some web applications which can be used by the teachers to encourage autonomous language learning, particularly the speaking skills, to their students. Speaking skill is commonly developed through practice which heavily relies on the class activities. However, the insufficient time or class meetings becomes a hindrance for the students to practice their speaking appropriately. The applications will be discussed on the aspect of its applicability as a teaching model sample or a lesson plan for a speaking class which emphasizes on autonomous learning concept using MALL. The paper expects to bring out new approaches and ideas to help students learning English language in an easier, faster, and in a fun way with prolonged sustainability.

Mobile Assisted Language Learning, Autonomous Learning, Speaking Class,

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


Iwan Fauzi

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Iwan Fauzi

Department of English Education
Palangka Raya University

Interlanguage (IL) is termed as a "separate linguistic system based on the observable output which results from a learners attempted production" (Selinker (1972: 35). It situates the learner-system in an intermediate position between the native language and the target language. Second language acquisition (SLA) research has attempted to describe and explain the variation of learners IL. The IL variation based on linguistic context is the most frequently discussed by researchers in SLA field. The term linguistic context refers to either the phonological, morphological or syntactic features which surround the varying element. Some influential studies relating to the IL variation of learner language is illustrated in Ellis (1988), Dickerson (1975), and Young (1991) who investigate linguistic contexts in terms of syntactic variation, phonological variation, and morphological variation respectively. In relation with this study, the variation of nontarget-like English verbs is interesting to analyze especially produced through spontaneous speech by Indonesian learners of English in the university level. Three questions must be answered through this study; (1) do the Indonesian learners of English produce variation of nontarget-like verbs in interlanguage? (2) if they do so, how are the variant types? And (3) how is the suppliance of variant types of nontarget-like verbs performed by the learners into sentencial contexts based on the verb tense system of English?

interlanguage, linguistic variation, nontarget-like verb, EFL learners

International Conference of English Language Teaching, Literature & Linguistics


The Islamic Spiritual Service for The Improvement of Quality of Life in Elderly Hospitalized Patients
Abdillah Fuad Muhammad, Merita Arini

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Amanda Amanda

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Increasing of the elderly population number has an impact on the escalation of health problems. The quality of life in the elderly also generally has an impact due to the decline in health status, vice versa. A specific approach is needed to overcome this problem. This study aims to determine whether there are differences of the elderly hospitalized patients- quality of life in PKU Muhammadiyah Gamping Hospital, Yogyakarta due to the Islamic spiritual services. This is a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest & posttest assessment. A sample of 106 elderly patients with an age range of 60-70 years was consecutively selected by inclusion criteria for controlling the confounders. Variables were measured using the OPQOL-Brief questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test because of abnormality distribution. There was an increase of score mean of quality of life after the Islamic spiritual service by the p-value=0,000. The results of the study indicate that the potential for the Islamic spiritual services has been developed to become an effort to improve the quality of life of elderly patients to be healthier.

Islamic spiritual service, Quality of life, Geriatrics

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


Akif Khilmiyah

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akif khilmiyah

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The increase in cases of delinquency in middle school age shows that the leadership role of the principal is still low. Principals in increasing teacher professionalism have an impact on improving student achievement and improving student character. This study aims to determine the ability of principals to carry out Instructional Leadership to improve teacher teaching performance so that it has an impact on improving student character. This research model is descriptive evaluative. Subjects were selected by purposive sampling and triadic covering 15 principals, 150 teachers and 450 students from DIY. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using mixed methods. Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and linear regression, while qualitative data were analyzed using Miler and Hubermans theories which included 4 stages: reduction, display, triangulation, and conclusion. The results of this study conclude as follows: (1) Mild delinquency is still done by students, including: smoking, scribbling, truant, bullying friends, making gangs, opposing parents, playing lots of cellphones, and being lazy to worship; (2) Character strengthening is carried out through extracurricular programs, socialization of order books, cooperation with external parties; (3) The instructional leadership ability of the Muhammadiyah Middle School principals is still low, in terms of preparing targets and strategies for school achievement, making standards for learning services, and creating patterns of teacher competency development; (4) The magnitude of the influence of Instructional Leadership in changing student characters is obtained by a percentage of 12%, while 78% is influenced by other factors; and (5) the inhibiting factor of principals instructional leadership is the lack of cooperation in building a shared vision in educating children between school and parents.

Instructional leadership, Principal, Strengthening character

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


The Local Government Financial Performance: Southeast Asia Countries Comparison
(a)Sumini, (b)Shinta Permata Sari, (c)Nisa Grace Nandalena, (d)Syafrina Saadati Putri Sadiyanto

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Sumini Sumini

a) c) d) Student of Accounting Department, Economics and Business Faculty
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Jalan A. Yani, Tromol Pos 1, Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta-57102
b) Accounting Department, Economics and Business Faculty
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
Jalan A. Yani, Tromol Pos 1, Pabelan, Kartasura, Surakarta-57102

New public management give good influences on better local financial governance at many countries worldwide. It led the central government to develop their local improvement by giving transfer from upper to lower governments. This study identifies the financial performance across southeast asia countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines. Southeast asia countries are taken as the sample because the countries at this region have some similarity in government activities. Local government revenues and expenditures of each country are used as the indicator of financial performance. Results show that there are no differences of financial performance within southeast asia countries. That result indicate the four countries at southeast asia region: Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines are able to perform their good governance for their citizen.

financial performance, local government revenue and expenditure, southeast asia countries.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Logic of Two Level Games and Russian Foreign Policy under President Vladimir Putin
Ali Muhammad, PhD

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Ali Muhammad

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This article attempts to investigate Russian Foreign policy under President Vladimir Putin. What does Russia want? How does Putin see the world and Russias place in it? Using Two Level Games (Robert Putnam, 1988), this article offers a simplified view that Russian leaders are simultaneously players in the game of promoting their interests on both the national and international level. Leaders are a link between the international and domestic environment, as their strategies in one game must manifest themselves in another. This article attempts to connect internal and external environment. Internal environment is Russian transformations of the domestic political system, the in&

Russia, Foreign Policy, Two Level Games, Putin

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Putu Chrisma Dewi

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Putu Chrisma Dewi

Universitas Dhyana Pura - Bali

Dance is not just a movement, but there is a message to be conveyed through its movements. In Bali, dance is like flesh and blood, or something that cannot be separated in every activity, both in performances and in religious activities. Tari Malaikat or Angel Dance is a dance that becomes an icon in the Balinese church. This dance tells about angels who come down from heaven to share love and peace to all human being. This research adopted the analysis method of Roland Barthes. Qualitative method is applied in this study. The data collection includes observation and interview. From the research, it can be concluded that there are two functions of Tari Malaikat or Angel Dance in Bali-s Christian Church, the first is ritual function and the second is educational function. While the meaning contained in dance is forgiveness, sacrifice, peace, and joy.

meaning, function, dance

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Militarization of the Outer Space: the Contestation of U.S. and Russian on the International Space Station Project
Indah Kumalasari, Ade Marup Wirasenjaya

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Indah Kumalasari

Department of International Relations, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

This paper will elaborate the contestation of power between the U.S. and Russia in attempt to control outer space. The outer space become a new arena of contestation of the two super power states in world politics. Both the U.S. and Russia deploy hegemony through the development of advanced technology. When ideological aspect has decreased in international relations, outer space technology become the new instrument to control the world. By using astropolitik approach, this paper argue that contestation of the two states are still going in the agreement of International Space Station (ISS) P project, and shows that there is contradiction of the ISS. In one side, the U.S. and Russia put humanity as the main purpose of ISS. But recently, ISS also used as new locus of power and militarization of space.

power contestation, outer space, astropolitik, U.S. foreign policy, International Space Station, militarization of space

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Miracle of the Holy Qur-an In the Digital and Philosophical Thinking Construction
Muh. Naim Madjid, S.S., M.I.S., Ph.D.

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Muh. Naim Madjid

Department of Arabic Education, Faculty of Language Education,
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

In the digital era, all aspects of human life are constructed by digital system. In the religious side for example, every Muslim around the world can listen and watch the religious sermon and lectures and obtain information stored in the cyber-space easily. In the era of the Companions, the holy book (al- Qur-an) was written on the fronds of palm, and was recorded and compiled into the printed version. Nowdays, Muslim society can recite the Qur-an on the smartphone screen by online. The digital system also has formed the way of thinking of the people in expression of something. They look that the interpretation of the Qur-an is the opened space for every Muslim to explain and disclosure the miracle of the holy Qur-an through accessibility in the virtual network.The problem is how they construct their minds in interpreting the Qur-anic texts towards an integrated pattern? This paper will discuss the right formula into analysing the meaning of the Qur-an based on the digital thinking and philosophycal perception. It will work at selected verses and adopt the descriptive approach to achieve the targeted. As the finding, digital and philosophical thinking is an accurate technic and method to discover the beauty and the miracle of the holy Qur-an and a solution that can be trusted to deal with the people-s problems in the digital era.

Miracle; Digital; Philosophical; Thinking; Construction.

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


The Modalities and Roles of Local Governments to Face the Terrorism Issues in Indonesia: Case Study of Malang Area
Gonda Yumitro, Dyah Estu K, Saiman, Dion Maulana P, Shannaz Mutiara D

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Gonda Yumitro

Lecturers of the International Relations Department
University of Muhammadiyah Malang

This study examined the modalities and roles of local governments to face the threat of terrorism in Indonesia, with the case study in the region of Malang, consisted of Malang City, Malang Regency, and Batu City. The selection of these three regional governments was interesting because some of the suspected terrorists were arrested and arranged their actions to some other places in Indonesia from the region of Malang during last two decades. This study used a qualitative descriptive method, where the primary data collected by doing interviews with representatives from Malang City Government, Malang Regency, and Batu City. In addition, primary data was also collected from official local government documents which are related to terrorism threats in the region of Malang. By using the concept of securitization, this study found that the governments of Malang have some modalities to face the issues of terrorism, both internal and external modalities. In optimizing those modalities, they also have played some preventive, proactive, curative, and rehabilitative roles. However, there were some obstacles founded demanding the government to collaborate with other stakeholders, such as civil societies from pesantren, to face the issues of terrorism in the region.

Government, Malang, Modality, Terrorism, Roles

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Moderating Effect of Leader Member Exchange (LMX) on The Influence of Psychological Uncertainty Towards Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention
Muhammad Zakiy and Budi Santoso

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Muhammad Zakiy

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
Universitas Gadjah Mada

This research aimed to analyze the effects of psychological uncertainty perceived by employees on job satisfaction and turnover intentions due to organizational changes. It also examined the moderating effects of Leader Member Exchange (LMX) on the impacts of employees psychological uncertainty towards job satisfaction and turnover intentions. The research data were collected using questionnaires distributed to the employees working in three hospitals in Yogyakarta Province. A total of 193 questionnaires could be analyzed with Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA) using SPSS version 21 application. The results of this study indicate that psychological uncertainty negatively influences job satisfaction and positively influences turnover intention. Additionally, LMX is proven to be able to moderate the positive effects of psychological uncertainty on turnover intention, yet it cannot moderate the negative effects of psychological uncertainty on job satisfaction. The results of this study also indicate the perceived of psychological uncertainty experienced by hospital employees is very high, but their turnover intentions are low. Can be analyzed labor market in Indonesia is limited, so employees will not turnover.

Organizational changes, Psychological uncertainty, LMX, Job satisfaction, Turnover intention

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Muhammad Zakiy

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Muhammad Zakiy

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Abstract This study aims to identify the role of switching cost as a moderating variable in the influence of price and service quality on switching intention. This study attempts to answer the current state of Islamic bank customers in Indonesia by using Reinforcement Theory in the context of switching intention by determining whether price, service quality and switching cost variables play an important role in customer switching intention studies. The sample in this study consists of 239 customers from 5 sharia banks with the highest customer loyalty index in Indonesia. Data were collected through offline and online questionnaires and then analyzed using Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). The results of this study proved that price and service quality is the main predictor of switching intention of sharia bank customers in Indonesia. In addition, switching costs successfully moderate the effect of service quality on switching intention. This study also discussed the relation to theoretical, methodological and practical issues.

Islamic banking, Sharia compliance, switching intention in bank, CARTER, MRA

International Conference of Islamic Economic and Financial Inclusion


The Modification of Vehicle Detection Program Based on Java by Using Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) Method for Rural Street
Muchlisin, Nurtia Amanda

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Muchlisin ST, M.Sc.

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UMY, Indonesia

Population growth in Indonesia is currently experiencing a high increase. Those things will affect the increase of transportation needs, so that might increase the traffic volume. Traffic volume is needed in transportation planning. Nowadays, the manual method is usually used by field observers using a calculation tool called a counter to get traffic volumes. With the high of traffic volumes, manual traffic volume calculations are less effective. For this reason, in this study the researchers modified the program to create a vehicle detection program and classify vehicles according to MKJI 1997 on a Java-based off-street called U-COUNTER (Rural Area). The method that used in this research is Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) method that base in image processing. In this program will attack of video input in the morning with 6 m height and 7 m, as well as video input in the afternoon with 6m and 7m height. The calculation results on the program will compared with manual calculations to get the accuracy and percent error values. The highest accuracy results obtained in this program are 76.48% with an error value of 23.52% for video 6 m in the morning. For the lowest accuracy results found on the 7 m video in the afternoon with an accuracy of 43% with an error value of 57%, this caused by congested traffic during video capture.

Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), Rural Street, Image Processing, Traffic Volume.

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Agianto, Khanitta Nuntaboot

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Agianto Agianto

a) School of Nursing, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat, Indonesia, Jl. A. Yani km 36 Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.
b) Faculty of Nursing Khon Kaen University, Mittraphap Road, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand

Stroke is a popular disease in Indonesia as non-communicable disease, and needs long term disability as well as long term care in community. The impacts of stroke are faced by surrounding people including their neighbors. The previous study showed that the neighbors were involved in stroke care in community. However, the neighbors have connection with general health status in chronic disease. The objective of this study is to explore the neighbors activities in nursing care of stroke patients in community, Banjarmasin, Indonesia. A critical ethnography was conducted in this study with six key informants, used purposive sampling. Participant observation, in-depth interview, and focus group discussion were employed to gather the rich data with a structure interview guideline. Content analysis such as transcript, coding, typology, matrix, and thematic analysis were used. There are four themes of neighbors activity in stroke care in community. Their activities are helping to health care facility, financing support, offering food and helping the daily activity, and motivating the patients and stroke families. Neighbors are people who stay around the house and have tight connection and relation with stroke patients and families. They link and directly involve in stroke care for long time in community.

neighbor activity; nursing care; stroke; community; critical ethnographic

International Conference on Nursing


The Net and Political Segregation
Muria Endah Sokowati

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Muria Endah Sokowati

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Ben Anderson (1983) stated that the media creates imagined communities through the use of images and vernaculars that perpetuate stereotypes to the audience. It, then, relates them to one another. But, the use of social media today makes the imagined community concept paradoxical. People now tend to seek out social setting they prefer, and they cluster in community of like-mindedness. Accordingly, the nation will grow more politically segregated. The result is that intolerance grows in political differences, making national consensus impossible. This research attempts to show the segregation emerges through the conversation in social media. Using virtual ethnography based on the massive distribution of hoaxes and fake news phenomenon, this research shows the political segregation formed by the netizen. With the background of the presidential elections in Indonesia, this research illustrates the ideological orientation turns to polarization occurred, which encourage us to reconsider the concept of imagined community. As the results, issues based on ethnic and religion, become the dominant factors of segregation. The segregation is no longer binary, but more complex. This research also reinforces what Merlyna Lim (2017) argued that the discussion of social media users and the internet algorithms have produced multiple forms of tribal nationalism.

Political segregation, social media, imagined community, fake news, hoax

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


Arif Munandar(a), Fitri Arofiati(b)

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Arif Munandar

Master of Nursing Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta

THE NURSE PREPAREDNESS EXPERIENCE IN THE PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECT OF EARTHQUAKE IN MUTIARA SUKMA PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL WEST NUSA TENGGARA PROVINCE Arif Munandar(a), Fitri Arofiati(b) (a) Student Master of Nursing Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (b) Lecturers of Nursing in Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta or lecturer of mentor Jl. Lingkar Selatan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 085253708078, e-mail: ABSTRACT Background: This study provides an overview of the role of nurses in earthquake preparedness in the Hospital of Jiwa Mutiara Sukma, West Nusa Tenggara province and provides information regarding implementation strategies that can be carried out by health workers both in preparation and responding to earthquake disasters. Besides that, psychological aspects are very important that must be prepared by nurses in dealing with earthquake disasters, so as to prevent the psychological impact on both themselves and victims. Objective: To explore the experience of nurse preparedness in the management of psychological aspects after the earthquake disaster and explore the factors that influence nurse preparedness in the management of psychological aspects after the earthquake. Method: This type of research is a qualitative research with a descriptive explorative approach. Data is collected by in-depth interview methods and observation techniques then analyzed based on emerging themes. The number of samples was 5 participants. Results: The results of this study indicate that the preparedness of 5 nurses at the Sukma Pearl Mental Hospital in the province of West Nusa Tenggara was very satisfying. Conclusion: In this study, most of the roles of nurses have carried out their duties and obligations properly, due to the preparation of the institution in preparation for the earthquake disaster. All participants have been provided with training in handling emergencies. Mental hospitals as health care centers at the top level in efforts to reduce earthquake risk must be prepared with planning supported by the role of nurses in disaster management. Keywords : Preparedness; Psychological Aspects; Earthquakes

Preparedness; Psychological Aspects; Earthquakes

International Conference on Nursing


The Nursing Practice in Rehabilitation Units in two European Countries
Nina Granel (a*), Maria Dolors Bernabeu-Tamayo (a), Xenia Sist (a,b) Mariela Aguayo (a)

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Nina Granel

a) Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Avda Can Domenech, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain
b) Hospital de la Santa Creu i San Pau, Sant quinti 89, 08026, Barcelona, Spain

There is a lack of information related to the differences in nursing practices between countries across Europe. To date there have been no studies published mapping nursing practices across Europe. The aim of the research is to compare the nursing practice in Spain and the United Kingdom (UK) in rehabilitation units. The design of the study was a multiple case study. Eight nurses from rehabilitation units of both countries were invited to participate in the study in 2014. The instruments for data collection used were in-depth interviews, non-participant observations and document analysis. Data were analysed using the support of the software ATLAS.ti. Nursing practices in rehabilitation units are classified into 10 categories: resources, procedures for the administration of medication, techniques, patients personal care, health education, emotional support, evaluation and decision making, maintenance and supervision of the equipment, managements tasks, documentation and interpersonal communication. Differences between nursing practices exist despite both countries having similar nursing competences. Nursing practices within the rehabilitation unit in the UK are characterized by safety practices. The UK unit has a stronger safety culture, recognizing mistakes as an oppotunity for improvement and implementing strategies to prevent them.

Patient Safety; nursing; Spain and UK

International Conference on Nursing


The Occupancy of Barn Owl in The Articial Nest Box to Control Rice Field Rat in Yogyakarta
Sudarmaji, Arlyna Budi Pustika, Kiki Yolanda, and Evi Pujiastuti

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Sudarmaji Sudarmaji

Yogyakarta Assessment Institute for Agricultural Technology, Indonesia

One of the component of integrated rat management was a biological control using barn owl and constructing barn owl nest box in rice crop. The goal of the study was to evaluate occupancy of barn owl in an artificial nest box, rat population and rat damage. The research was conducted in three locations by allocating and controlling 10 nest boxes randomly in Yogyakarta. Assessment of their occupancy was monitored by the presence of the barn owl in their nest box (egg, chick and adult) and also number of natural owl nests in villages near nest box. The rat population was observed by the active burrow method and the installation of trap barrier system. Rat damage area and intensity was estimated by sampling 150 tillers randomly. The result indicated that only 1-4 nest boxes were occupied in each location. The Owls also nest naturally in villages near nest box installed. Active burrows were identified less than 50%. Rat damage area was accounted for 33.33% - 48.57% with 6,33% - 14,86% for their intensity and not significantly different from the control site, except in Kalibawang location. Artificial nest box installation for owls in rice fields was only occupied for breeding.

Barn owl, Rice field rat, Rice field, Biological control

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


The Optimization Model of Kenthungan Intersection
Wahyu Widodo

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Wahyu Widodo

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The closures of the intersections because of construction, particularly in an urban area, are potentially impact on the congestion on the other road networks. The intersection which under construction in Yogyakarta city is the Kenthungan junction that located in North Ring Road of Yogyakarta. This study aims to create the optimization model of an existing junction condition (without project) and junction condition in the future (with project) to minimize the traffic impact. The software that used in this study was PTV. VISSIM 9.0 which is one of the micro simulation programs invented by PTV Group with the model results in the form of dynamic simulation. It could be concluded that the model result on existing conditions produce the level of service (LOS) E with the delay of 721.85 sec/passenger car unit (> 60 sec/pcu). Furthermore, the impact of the construction on this intersection caused the increasing of delay at other intersections, those are Kenthungan (771.71 sec/pcu), Gejayan (from 669.53 sec/pcu to 719.69 sec/pcu), and Monjali (from 591.67 sec/pcu to 641.11 sec/pcu). Therefore, it was recommended to widen the highway lane to become 2 m and the vehicle driver suggested avoid to passing the kenthungan intersection and choose another routes, i.e Southern Ring Road, especially for heavy vehicle in order to reduce traffic impact.

Intersection, Model, Optimization, PTV.VISSIM

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Organizational Readiness Towards Cashless Government (case study in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Indonesia)
Paramita Nur Kurniati (a*); Bernardus Yuliarto Nugroho (b**); Ferdinand D. Saragih (c***)

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Corresponding Author
Paramita Nur Kurniati

a) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia
Gedung Mochtar Lantai 3
Jl. Pegangsaan Timur No.16, Jakarta 10320
b) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia
Gedung Mochtar Lantai 3
Jl. Pegangsaan Timur No.16, Jakarta 10320
c) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia
Gedung Mochtar Lantai 3
Jl. Pegangsaan Timur No.16, Jakarta 10320

Much of the operational expenditure of the State Budget (APBN) is carried out through cash basis. With this mechanism, several obstacles arise, namely the costs incurred due to the ineffectiveness of cash management; the obstruction of office operations due to problems with availability of money; and the potential for corruption from cash transactions. To overcome those problems, the Ministry of Finance has made a Government Credit Cards (Kartu Kredit Pemerintah - KKP) policy to modernize the payment system. Focus Group Discussion and literature studies in this paper found that organizational readiness plays an important role in efforts towards cashless government. The preparation phase of the organization is likened to being a foundation for the development of innovations. A solid foundation is expected to be able to support the implementation of innovation so it becomes more effective, efficient and sustainable. Variables that need to be prepared in implementing an innovation include: organizational motivation in seeing the urgency of the need to change the system from cash basis to cashless; resources devoted in implementing cashless government system; the readiness and adaptability of each individual towards the implementation of cashless government system, and the organizational culture that is open to an innovation.

cashless basis, cashless society, organizational readiness, government credit card.

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Outcomes of Invitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer in Endometriosis-Associated Infertility: A Case-Control Study
Alfaina Wahyuni

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Alfaina Wahyuni

School of Medicine, Faculty of Medical and Health Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Alfaina.wahyuni[at]

The pathophysiology of infertility in endometriosis is still controversial and widely investigated. Several mechanisms are put forward. Whether In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer program is a solution still need further study. This research purpose is to compare the output of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer between endometriosis infertility and non-endometriosis infertility. This a case-control study was followed by fifty endometriosis-associated infertility patients and fifty infertility due to tubal factor and or sperm undergoing In Vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer at Permata Hati Clinic, Dr. Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta. The research output is fertilization rate, number of the good quality embryo and the success of pregnancy based on the pregnancy test. Data analysis was done by a statistical test of T-test and Chi-Square. Multivariate analysis was done by logistic regression. The number of good quality embryos in endometriosis group was lower (2.34 more or less 2.33 vs 3.44 more or less 2.97; p <0.05), but the fertilization rate was same (48.58 more or less 27.16 vs 55.19 more or less 30.9; p > 0.05). Compare to non-endometriosis, endometriosis group had bigger risk of pregnancy failure (OR 3.758, CI95% 1.11 until 12.68, p <0.03).

endometriosis, embryo transfer, infertility, in vitro fertilization, the pregnancy rate

International Symposium of Engineering, Technology, and Health Sciences


The Overloading Effect on the Design Life of Road and Thickness of Pavement Layer
Anita Rahmawati, Emil Adly, Irfan L., Ainnur S.M., Muhammad I., Avliya B.

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anita rahmawati

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Road Solo-Yogyakarta KM 9-15 is the national highway which supports the traffic of goods and services, but many passing goods transport vehicles do not match the allowable load. As a consequence, the damage on the pavement occurred. Therefore, this study aims to know the effect of overloading on design life and pavement thickness. This study used the method of Binamarga to analyze the reduction in design life and the effect of pavement thickness caused by overloading. The analysis was carried out by using the formula of design life decreasing with the value of Cumulative Equivalent Standard Axle (CESA) for overloading and standard load. Based on the 2002 Binamarga method, the design life value is reduced by about eight years,from the previously determined is 20 years. Moreover, based on the analysis on pavement thickness of 20 years design life by using Binamarga 2002 for standard load, it showed that pavement thickness is needed for a surface layer of 24.5 cm (Laston). Also, the base course layer is 11.5 cm (Sirtu Class A), and the subbase course layer is 22 cm (Sirtu Class B). At the same time, for overloading, the analysis result showed that it was required the pavement thickness for the surface layer of 27 cm (Laston), the base course layer of 27 cm (Sirtu Class A) and the subbase course layer of 6.5 cm (Sirtu Class B). These results indicate that overloading causes a reduction in the design life of the pavement and an increase in the thickness of the pavement.

Binamarga Method, Design life ,Overloading, Pavement thickness

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


Mek Wok Mahmud, Raudlotul Firdaus Fatah Yasin, Nor Amni Bazilah Mohd Zain

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Twediana Budi Hapsari

Kuliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge & Human Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Malaysia

In general, Islamic Philanthropy is an important instrument which can solve the socio-economic problem of a country. The ultimate goal of Islamic Philanthropy is to benefit the economy and society. The history of Islamic Philanthropy started since the time of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. and has been continuously developed until today. This paper aims to investigate participant of Muslim women in Islamic philanthropy in digital era specifically in the contribution of waqf institutions in Malaysia. History and present has shown evidence of significant contributions of women in Islamic Philanthropy as founders, beneficiaries and mutawallis or trustees. The methodology that has been applied in this research is library research, seeking evidence of selected Malaysian experiences of women participation in Islamic Philanthropy in the past and at present. The expected result is to analyse Malaysian experiences in the participation of Muslim women in Islamic Philanthropy institutions in digital era and to identify the need for improvements of the socio-economic conditions of the society.

Islamic Philanthropy, Women, Participation, Society, Malaysia

International Conference on Islamic Studies in the Digital Era


The Perception of Yogyakarta citizens toward the policy of the Government in implementing a system of E-Tilang 2017-2018
Agasy Oktarizal, Erni Zuhriyati

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Abdul Rasyid Ghazali

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The implementation of the public service as a social rights basis of society in reality still many obstacles or irregularities. Often occur irregularities and even cases of maladministration, and corruption, which can be juridical in the imposition of criminal sanctions. Some of the results of a survey of the institution of an international survey show that public services in Indonesia is still the worst in Asia in terms of public services. The growth of vehicles each day is increasing where many users of motor vehicles that roams in every city all over the world including in Indonesia. Traffic is the most important thing for people who drive on the highway. This Program answers public complaints about the widespread practice of bribery and brokering in the management of SIM and STNK. The program e-Tilang is a form of the seriousness of the Police to execute the instruction of President Joko Widodo about the use of technology and answer program. This is a direct the President to utilize the technology. As well as answer program from the Chief of police. Then also to make the police more professional. Since Monday (13/3/2017), the Yogyakarta Police have implemented electronic traffic Tilang or e-Tilang. The purpose of the application of e-Tilang this is to facilitate the public when exposed to a speeding Tilang or breaking the traffic. The offenders did not need to undergo the court. there are as many as 250 number of speeding Tilang online, which have conducted the prosecution in the whole DIY. While, the offenders just stay pay at the ATM, or for those who have Mobile Banking can be paid directly online. And for those who do not have ATMS or mobile banking can directly pay to the counter BRI. Every speeding Tilang or better known as the e-Tilang that leads to perfection. There are 262 of regency/city are already using the system the table. more and more areas implement such a system, and then the use of the e-Tilang would be perfect. Moreover, the system table is already starting to look a result that is effective, quick and cheap if compared with a system of traffic Tilang manual.

E-Tilang, Public Policy, E-government

International Symposium on Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, and Religious Studies


The Performance of AC-WC Asphalt Mixture with Eco-Friendly Steel Slag Against Sea Tidal Impact
Emil adly, Anita Rahmawati, Nurul Firkhati Hidayah

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Emil Adly

Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

The roadways that located around the beach are often have some problems with puddle of the seawater caused by the condition tides or known as rob water. Therefore, to find alternatife way due to prevent pavement damage, application of steel slag with higher quality is better to be used rather than ordinary aggregate. This research substitutes aggregate into the steel slag with 100% coarse aggregate number 0,5 inch and 50% fine aggregate number 30 that will be soaked in the seawater about 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours. From this research, the longer this immersion is conducted, the more significant effects will affect marshall characteristic resulting poor quality of asphalt, marked by decline of stability value, VFWA value, and also MQ value. As for the value of flow, VITM and VMA tend to rise.

immersion, arshall, puddles sea, seawater, steel slag

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The performance of man-made wetlands for the treatment of household greywater
Siti Qomariyah(a*), Sobriyah(b), Prabang Setyono(c), Ari H. Ramelan(d)

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Corresponding Author
Siti Qomariyah Qomariyah

a)Doctoral Program in Environmental Science, Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University
* siti.qomariyah[at]
b)Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University
c)Graduate School of Environmental Science, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
d)Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University

Abstract. Pollution of water sources as a result of inadequate sanitation is a serious issue in Indonesia. Domestic wastewater is considered as the most significant contribution to the water pollution. Centralized wastewater treatment plant systems built to serve city sanitation is costly for developing countries. Considering greywater has been practically separated from blackwater at its source of wastewater in most households in Indonesia, decentralized greywater treatment systems by adopting manmade wetlands in the level of individual household can be promoted. The manmade wetlands are characterized by specific conditions enabling simultaneous various physical and biochemical processes. This system utilized the interaction of aquatic plants and microorganism in the removal of pollutants. This paper presents the performance of a man-made wetland built four years ago on a household yard. The manmade wetland was constructed with dimension of 170x70x70cm, planted with Cyperus alternifolius aquatic plants, and filled with 40 cm gravelly sand filter media. Treatment performance of the systems was evaluated for the removal efficiency of Biological Oxygen Demand, Total Suspended Solid, Dissolved Oxygen, Oil & Fat, and Detergent. Results showed that the manmade wetland system still removed effectively the pollutants. Hence, the system still in a good performance to decrease the wastewater load discharged into the municipal drainage systems, help to recharge groundwater with better quality source, and provide aesthetic-green yard views.

man-made wetlands; greywater; treatment

International Symposium of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering


The Performance of Shallot (Allium cepa var. ascalonicrum) Derived From True Seed Under Dry Condition of NTT Border Area
Nirmala F. Devy, R. Setiani, Hardiyanto and Puspitasari

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Nirmala Friyanti Devy

Indonesian Citrus and Subtropical Fruits Research Institute, Jln. Raya Tlekung No. 1, Junrejo, Batu,
East Java, Indonesia. 65301

To reduce the dependence of bulbs as planting material, the technology innovation of shallot (Allium cepa var. ascalonicum) cultivation was tried by using true shallot seed (TSS) as planting material with a dense planting system. Four true seed varieties were planted at low and dry land of Malaka District, NTT Province, Indonesia. This district is one of the border areas between Indonesia and Democratic Republic of Timor Leste, where the conditions of its farmers have not yet mastered on the technology of planting shallots using this method. The research was conducted in Laleten Village, Malaka District, from April to December 2018. Randomized block design with four treatments of TSS varieties and three replications was used. TSS seedlings were planted with a 10x15 cm planting spacing, so that a 30 m2 size plot contained 2,000 plants. The analysis of variance showed significant difference among the treatments at p<0.05. The aim of this research was to examine the method of planting shallots by using TSS as planting material in areas where farmers have never carried out such technology. The results showed that the growth of plant height in Bima Brebes, Trisula, Tuk Tuk and Sanren varieties until the age of 6 weeks after transplanting (WAT) was not significantly different, with an average height was reaching 40-46 cm and the number of leaves was 10-11. Percentages of plants that developed and produced normally range from 70-75% of the total population, which the highest was Trisula. The average bulbs number plant-1 in Bima Brebes variety was 3.1 and significantly different from Tuk Tuk (1.6). This may due to its genetic characteristic, which 97% of Tuk Tuk bulbs performance were being single, whereas in Bima Brebes the single and splitting-to be two bulbs were reached 48.2% and 46% respectively. The number and fresh bulbs weight bed-1 ranged from 2,293 – 4,601 bulbs and 19.8 – 31.5 kgs which the highest and lowest amounts were in Bima Brebes and Tuk Tuk respectively. Weight loss after 3 months of storage was significantly different between varieties, which reached 48-65%, and driest bulbs was Tuk Tuk. In this area, the estimated of fresh weight bulbs production per hectare reached only 5.28 and 6.05 tons for Tuk Tuk and Sanren, while the rest were 8.41 and 7,97 tons for Bima Brebes and Trisula respectively. It means that in the dry conditions with farmers who have not mastered yet on the technology of shallot cultivation by using TSS as planting material, the productivity of these plants only reaches 20-40% of their optimal production capacity.

shallot, border area, true seed of shallot (TSS), productivity

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


Ahmad Saad Ahmad AL-Dafrawi (a*), Mohamad Asmadi Bin Abdullah (b), Majdah Binti Zawawi (c), Zainudin Bin Ismail (d).

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Ahmad Saad AL-Dafrawi

AHMAD IBRAHIM KULLIYYAH OF LAWS, Department of Islamic Law, International Islamic University Malaysia, (IIUM).

Abstract Morally, employing Performance-Enhancing Medicines (PEMs) in sports simply is repudiated. Yet, taking these medicines in sports competitions is associated with legal consequences. Hitherto, because of rapid advances in the genetic modification technologies, it is feared that these therapeutic technologies and many others have been applied to athletes (e.g., to prevent Myostatin from incapacitating muscles groups). The taking and giving performance-enhancing medicine, not just against ethics, but actually, these acts break the laws because of the dangerous side effects of the drugs that they comprise of. The main problems of this study are the absence of the Penal Code which can legally address the actions of doping and Gene doping in many countries. Another problem is the lack of laboratory screening methods that can ratify the occurrence of gene modifications. The main objective of this study is to examine the legal theory of the development of panel disciplinary or penal liability for doping and Gene doping.


ASIAN Conference on Comparative Laws


The Physic-Chemical Characteristic of Nata De Coco
Heny Herawati, Elmi Kamsiati, Sisca Widyaputri, Sutanto

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Siti Nur Aisyah

Indonesia Center For Agricultural Post Harvest Research and Development

Pakuan University, Bogor

The fermentation technology for processing nata de coco can be used by using coconut water waste sources and the use of acetobacter xylinum bacteria. The purpose of this study is to analyze the physico-chemical quality of nata de coco produced by using a combination of sources of raw materials and their concentration on the quality of the nata de coco produced. The methodology for making the basic formula used 5 grams of nitrogen, ammonium sulfate and acetic acid in coconut water. The treatment used is in the form of using a variety of carbon sources in the form of granulated sugar, pineapple honey, tapioca and molasses with variations in concentrations of 3, 6 and 9%. The data obtained is then analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 23. Software. Based on the results of analysis, the results show that the different uses of source types and carbon concentrations significantly affect physical characteristics such as thickness, weight, residual water volume, color, hardness, frequency and value of TPT from nata de coco produced. The highest levels of crude fiber and cellulose were obtained from the treatment of 3% tapioca flour carbon sources of 0.68% and 0.78%. SEM observations of the treatment of 3% tapioca flour with a magnification of 10,000 times the actual size with cellulose tape sizes ranging from 120.8 nm to 155.5 nm with irregular shapes and uneven surface texture. The results of the FTIR spectrum of cellulose nata de coco treatment of 3% tapioca flour there was a group absorption peak at wave number 3392.17 cm-1, vibration was at wave number 1402.55 cm-1, 1052.86 cm-1, 1110.02 cm- 1 1629.47 cm-1.

influence, type, concentration, characteristics, nata de coco

International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture


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