Event starts on 2019.08.08 for 1 days in Bandung
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Corresponding Author
elva herlianti herlianti
universitas pendidikan indonesia
Jl setiabudi no 229 bandung 40154 indonesia
ABSTRAK Menyikapi realisasi era digital saat ini, kualitas layanan enterprenuer di Indonesia diharapkan semakin meningkat secara signifikan, agar mampu menjangkau seluruh lapisan masyarakat, khususnya bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah 3T (Terdepan, Terluar, dan Terpencil). Namun, pada kenyataannya kualitas layanan enterpreneur di Indonesia saat ini masih minim dalam mengakses masyarakat yang tinggal di daerah 3T tersebut. Mencermati berbagai realita yang telah diuraikan di atas, maka melalui analisis implementasi kebijakan teknologi finansial ini, diharapkan kualitas layanan enterprenuer semakin dapat ditingkatkan dan dirasakan oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat Indonesia secara riil dan para pelaku bisnis dapat memahami pengelolaan fungsi manajemen dengan tepat didasarkan pada sikap takut akan Tuhan dan menghargai sesama, dalam konteks pengelolaan aset internal maupun eksternal yang mencakup aktivitas bisn secara holistik. Dengan demikian, tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara lebih mendalam mengenai kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman implementasi teknologi finansial terhadap kualitas layanan enterpreur Indonesia di era digital melalui studi literatur fintech. Kata Kunci: teknologi finansial, layanan fintach, kualitas enterpreur ABSTRACT Responding to the realization of the current digital era, the quality of service providers in Indonesia is expected to increase significantly, in order to be able to reach all levels of society, especially for people who live in area 3T (Frontier, Outermost, and Remote). However, in reality the quality of service for entrepreneurs in Indonesia is currently still minimal in accessing people living in the 3T area. Looking at the various realities outlined above, then through an analysis of the implementation of this financial technology policy, it is expected that the quality of entrepreneurial services can be increased and felt by all layers of Indonesian society in real terms and business people can understand the management of management functions appropriately based on fear of God and respect for others, in the context of managing internal and external assets that include business activities holistically. Thus, this paper aims to analyze more deeply the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the implementation of financial technology towards the quality of Indonesian entrepreneurial services in the digital era through the study of fintech literature. Keywords: financial technology, fintach service, enterpreur quality
teknologi finansial, layanan fintach, kualitas enterpreur
Financial Management and Accounting
Corresponding Author
Dienur Muhammad Rahadian Fachrulamry
a) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. DR. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia
b) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Jl. DR. Setiabudi No.229, Isola, Kec. Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia
The use of mobile commerce applications by consumers in the process of online buying and selling activities in Indonesia is still low, this happens because of a lack of interest in using mobile commerce applications. Therefore, this study was conducted to obtain an overview of the effect of perceived ease of use simultaneously or partially on the interest in using mobile commerce in Indonesia. The method used in this study is an explanatory survey with the object of e-commerce consumer research in Indonesia with a sample size (n) of 400. The sampling technique used was the simple random sampling and the result showed that perceived ease of use had an effect on interest in the using the mobile commerce applications. The results of the study show that Indonesian e-commerce consumers consider the importance of perceived ease of use before using mobile commerce applications, because it is related to consumer behavior about how individuals wish to use a system that provides convenience.
behavior intention, e-commerce, m-commerce, m-commerce application, perceived ease of use
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
ida farida adi prawira
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Several countries worldwide are implementing tax incentives through various policies. This study investigated implementations of tax incentives though revaluation of fixed assets in Indonesia. Using the Research and Development approach through exploration studies. This research is not designed to test hypotheses, but describes the data, facts and trends that occur, then analyzed and recommended the Fixed Assets Revaluation policy model as what must be made to improve taxpayer compliance which can then increase tax revenues. Data is obtained by interview techniques, with respondents consisting of Tax Officer, Corporate Taxpayers and Experts in the field of Asset Valuation Accounting. The results of the study aim to be used as input for the Directorate General of Taxes in making tax incentive policies in Revaluation of Fixed Assets.
tax incentive, fixed asset revaluation
Financial Management and Accounting
Corresponding Author
Hasan Fahmi Kusnandar
a,b)* Polytechnic of Triguna, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
Poverty must be addressed because it is the governments commitment stated in the development goals of the millennium sustainable (SDGS) that must be achieved by 2025. Banjar city as a new autonomous region in the Province of West Java, which was formed not in spite of the problems of Poverty. The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze the poverty reduction strategy through the strengthening of competitiveness, business mentoring and marketing strategies Micro, Small and Medium-sized businesses in the City of Banjar. Data collection is done by questionnaires and literature study. The study sample of 751 small businesses in the City of Banjar taken in the census. The results of the research found that the partial alleviation of poverty can be achieved by strengthening competitiveness, with business mentoring as well as marketing strategy. The simultaneous strengthening of the competitiveness, business mentoring and penarapan strategy marketing can be used as a poverty reduction strategy. To strengthen the competitiveness of SMES required assistance to the owners of SMES can determine the marketing strategy in accordance with the products it produces. The marketing strategy has a very important role for the success of the companys business in general and marketing in particular so that poverty can be reduced
Poverty, Competitiveness, Mentoring, Marketing
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Student Of Dual Degree Program, Master Of Management Indonesia University and MBA Grenoble University
The shipping industry is known to have high potential or risk associated with safety. From ship accident data that happened in Indonesia from 2005 until 2018, based on the data taken from National Transportation Safety Comittee (NTSC), this study develops a regression model to predict the probability of fatal shipping accidents and corresponding mortalities. A model for decision making methods with a decision tree and scatter plot will also be created. The model results show that both the fatal accidents and mortalities are mainly caused by technical and human factors, and only a few accidents occur in the waters caused by weathers. In addition, the number of ship accidents has increased in the past 7 years. The biggest portion of ship accidents is occupied by passenger ships. As a consequence of the island nation where transportation of people from island to island has high traffic. Following is the cargo type ship due to the inter-island shipping traffic for logistic distribution also has high traffic. Mostly the ship accident occured in Java Sea and Bangka Strait. The results of this study are beneficial for policy-makers in proposing efficient strategies to prevent fatal shipping accidents, also for ship owner, operator and insurance institution.
Ship accident, mortality, severity, decision tree, scatter plot
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Rahyuniati Setiawan
Universitas Garut (a*), Universitas Garut (b), Universitas Garut (c), Universitas Garut (d)
The purpose of this study is to examine how prices and service quality affect consumer purchase decision in online transportation services. To achieve this purpose, this study was conducted using descriptive and verification approach. Data were collected through questionnaires addressed to 96 users of ride-hailing application Go-Jek selected as the respondents using accidental sampling. Data analysis was performed using multiple regression. The results revealed that prices and service quality had influence on consumer purchase decision. It is; therefore, necessary for online translation companies to improve their service quality and set appropriate prices to improve their sales performance.
Keyword: price, service quality, purchase decision.
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Rio Aurachman
a) Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi Nomor 1, Bandung 40257
b) Institut Teknologi Telkom Surabaya
Jl. Gayungan PTT 17-19 Kota Surabaya 60235
c) IT Telkom Purwokerto
Jalan D.I. Panjaitan 128 Purwokerto
One of the processes in the performance management system is the goal setting and target settingt. There are several studies that examine the development of performance management systems and goal settings. The results of the research converged on the conclusions about the importance of employee participation in target setting. On the other hand, organizations need competitive targets to keep growing. Through, 23 FGDs, with 69 respondents as well as simulations to determine the target of 400 performance indicators, we obtain a summary of several potential problems and challenges in determining performance targets. This study can provide insights about the risks that institutions will face in determining the best performance targets both for employees and the institution.
: Goal Setting, Performance Management System, Good University Governance
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Corresponding Author
Aji Ahmadi Sasmi
Universities Indonesia
The aim of this study is to find out the program and budget accounting information system along with the application of e-Components in the DKI Jakarta Asset Management Agency. The research method used by the author is a quantitative method and descriptive analysis, where the data obtained comes from 70 respondents and direct observations and interviews which are then analyzed by qualitative methods. The author observed the program and budget accounting information system using e-Components implemented by the DKI Jakarta government with the system limitations and the problems that occur in the implementation of the system. The results of the study are expected to provide better system development and produce e-Component support system design to be effective and efficient.
Accounting Information System, e-Budgeting, e-Komponen, Program and Budget, DKI Jakarta
Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Corresponding Author
Annisa Tulus Warasanti
Institut Teknologi Bandung
Marketing strategy is an important process in the business to generate value and gain profitable relationships for customers. Some of the tools that guide to the marketing strategy are marketing mix and AIDA model. Marketing mix helps the business to engage customers; satisfy customer needs, and build customer relationships (Kotler and Amstrong 2016). AIDA model is a marketing theory in a world of advertising that is based on the perception of customer (Hadiyanti 2016). The aim of this paper is to propose marketing strategy to increase customer purchase intent for cluster house residence that ends to an increase of sales. The objective study of this research is a cluster house residence of Bukit Parama Regency. The research uses the analysis of marketing mix and AIDA model. The marketing mix covered in this study includes product, price, place, and promotion. The AIDA model in this study covers customer journey include attention, interest, desire, and action.
marketing strategy, marketing mix, AIDA, cluster house residence
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Abstract This research tests impact product quality and brand image on purchasing decision with purchasing intention as a mediating variable. Population are visitors of Kantor Wuling Cabang Suci Bandung (Wuling Suci Bandung Branch Office) Sample are 152 visitors who decided by slovin equation. The data was collected by survey with questionaire method. This research uses regression and path analysis method to analysis impact product quality and brand image on purchasing intention simultanty and partially, Impact purchasing intention on purchasing decision. The result of this research are product quality effects purchasing intention partially, brand image effects purchasing intention partially, product quality and brand image effect purchasing intention simultanty, purchasing intention effects purchasing decision.
Product Quality. Brand Image, Purchasing Intention, Purchasing Decision
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Galih Abdul Fatah Maulani
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Private universities are business entities in Indonesia. Due to the large number of private universities in Indonesia, the competition between them becomes intense. Therefore, they are required to be able to adapt to any changes in order to sustain. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of strategic flexibility of private university competitiveness. The samples were 27 private universities in West Java, Indonesia. Data analysis was performed using PLS-SEM. The results showed that strategic flexibility, indicated by attention, assessment, and action had influence on private university competitiveness. This implies that it is necessary for private universities to take into account their adaptability to changes in order for them to be able to manage risks in their environments.
Strategic Flexibility, Competitiveness, Private Universities
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Mochamad Vrans Romi
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani
This study aims to re-design problems related to job analysis that took place at the University of Jenderal Achmad Yani, with the workload still not optimal. In terms of carrying out the vision and mission of the institution did not experience such changes resulting in the strategy used also did not experience change. The reason for the many obscurity of the analysis of work arrangements in the institution is that all parts carry out various additional jobs that are not related to their duties and obligations. So that it has an impact on the emergence of increased workload from job desc that has been determined with the competencies possessed by each education staff. This study is intended to redesign the design of the position analysis at the managerial level of the university, Jendera Achmad Yani. The approach that will be used in this study is a qualitative approach based on a case study. The analysis technique used is 3 stages, namely organizing various related data, grouping data based on categories, themes and answer patterns, then testing the assumptions or problems that exist on the data. The results of this study in the formulation of the vision, mission, objectives, and strategies of the Institution for further analysis of the formulation were revealed to be Job Descriptions and Job Specifications from all available at the education staff at the University of Jendera Achmad Yani. Job Description and Job Specifications are expected to contribute to the achievement of the institutions vision, mission, goals and strategies.
Re-design, Job Analysis
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Corresponding Author
Dwi Fitrizal Salim
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
ABSTRACT: Todays era of globalization must change from traditional marketing to marketing relationships, by maintaining good relationships with customers so that customers will be loyal to the products/services that have been made. Many studies that discuss relationship marketing in Business to Business B2B, Zimmerman, and Blythe (2013) are the most important factors in B2B relationships and success is to maintain relationships with customers on an ongoing basis so as to create loyalty with customers, (Ross, Caning, and Mcdowell, 2004). Customers from B2B consider in terms of efficiency and relatively cheaper prices from suppliers of products or services. Doma (2013) maintains a harmonious relationship, and service quality between suppliers and consumers. B2B is the power of the company to business partners is power. Jain et al (2014), Martadisatra (2017), Setyawan (2014). This study took a sample of B2B customers at the company PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia which has Indihome product services. The sample will be collected through 100 respondents and will be tested by simple regression. the results of the discussion of the study entitled Relationship Marketing Against Commodity Indihome Loyalty which has the result that there is a significant effect of Relationship Marketing on B2B indihome consumer loyalty by R Square 55%, indicating that loyalty affects 55% of Indihome B2B consumer loyalty. This study also conducts t test and has the results of the value of t count of 11.065> T table 1.984, this shows that the variable X relationship marketing has an influence on the Y Loyalty variable. The significance level owned is 0.00 <0.05 significant value which means that the X relationship variable marketing has a significant effect on Y Loyalty variables.
Keywords: Business to Business (B2B), and marketing relationships
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Ira Dwi Mayangsari
1,2,3Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
4Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pandu Madania, Bogor, Indonesia
Technology brings higher opportunities for business even though company should take higher investment for system and higher IT training cost for employees. Small medium enterprises (SMEs) with their limitation of capital and resources are aware to leverage their technology adoption in order to gain competitive advantages. This study explores research over three years in Indonesia related to SMEs and technology. Finding exhibits field of studies and research result of SMEs and technology. Further, a model of how SMEs will get benefit from IT will be offered. Then, the authors suggest that in future scholars have to build and develop models of how SMEs should adopt technology and have optimal benefit from it.
SMEs, IT, research
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Madis Saralita
Universitas Indonesia
Nowadays, the success of an organization depends heavily on employees- productivity which can be influenced by employees- health conditions. Generally, either an organization or individual need hospital for health services. This has an impact on the growth of hospitals which continues to increase, so that competition in the health industry will be even higher. Therefore health industry stakeholders require to continue improving their services, either through improved facilities or improvements from the employees- side. Based on research, turnover intention is one of many problems which must be solved by health industry stakeholders. Many factors can influence turnover intention, i.e. workplace spirituality, perceived organizational support, and organizational commitment. The purpose of this study was to know the effects of these factors on turnover intention mediated by organizational commitment. A total of 235 employees from private hospital in Jakarta participated as respondents. Data obtained through questionnaires and then analyzed using SEM. The results showed that organizational commitment was positively influenced by perceived organizational support and workplace spirituality. Furthermore, workplace spirituality and organizational commitment negatively affected turnover intention. Organizational commitment can mediate the relationship between workplace spirituality and turnover intention.
Workplace spirituality; Perceived organizational support; Organizational commitment, Turnover intention, Hospital
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Meki Munawar
a). Student of Management Doctoral Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
b). Management Doctoral Program, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
c). Business Management, Politeknik Pos Indonesia
The main objective of this study is to determine the tourists- intention to revisit Bandung and subsequently examine the various predictors including food image, destination image, towards their visit satisfaction. The focus of this research is tourism in the Bandung city, with a sample of 200 tourists who have the intention revisiting Bandung. The sample technique used Convenient Sampling. Data collection is done through the questionnaire method and statistical analysis method used in this research is using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze and elaborate all observed variables. The results of this research showed that the food image and destination image have a significant positive influence on tourist satisfaction and revisit intention. The destination image also showed a positive significant effect on tourist satisfaction but showed have not significant effect on revisit intention. Tourist satisfaction has a positive significant influence on revisit intention.
food image, destination image, tourist satisfaction and revisit intention
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Angga Dewi Anggraeni
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (a*), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (b), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (c)
The growth of universities in Indonesia, especially in Bandung, impacts on the high level of competition, both state and private universities, particularly in obtaining prospective students. Some colleges which do not have adequate competitiveness will feel the impact of this competition in the form of a lack of number of registering students. This issue occurs at the Politeknik Pos Indonesia.
The purpose of this study is to describe and measure the influence of School Fees in Choosing University. The method used is descriptive and verification in which respondents were determined using Slovin formula resulted in 266 students, and data analysis was done using regression analysis to test the hypothesis. Based on the results of the partial regression analysis, there was a positive and significant effect of: (1) school fees to the decision to continue the study, the influence that occurred was a strong influence; (2) simultaneous school fees affected the decision to continue the study, hence, its influence was considered powerful
School Fees, Students, university choise, Indonesia, determinant factor
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Ayatulloh Michael Musyaffi
Universitas Swadaya Gunung Jati
Digital Learning is a learning system that uses digital learning media through digital devices so that students can learn not only in the classroom but also through computer media and smartphones. This study attempts to measure student confidence and acceptance of digital learning models that use the integration of the UTAUT model and Social Cognitive Theory. This study focuses on accounting students who use digital learning models using Google classroom in auditing, management accounting, and financial management courses. The survey was conducted using an online questionnaire distributed after the lecture has been deliv-ered. While the tool used is using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method using SmartPLS 3.0. The results of this study show a significant effect between self-efficacy and behavioral intention. The higher the confi-dence that students have towards digital learning, then they tend to continue using the media. While effort expectancy has a strong influence in making students adopt Digital Learning. The easier a person does in us-ing Digital Learning compared to traditional methods, the more students will continue to use Digital Learn-ing.
Behavioral Intention; Digital Learning; Effort Expectancy; Self-Efficacy
Financial Management and Accounting
Corresponding Author
Tetep Tetep
Institut Pendidikan Indonesia (1)
Universitas Garut (2)
Universitas Galuh (3)
Social capital is a social networks concept that can develop one-s life capacities. Framed under a case study research, this study analyzed social capital factors in relation to entrepreneurial motivation for undergraduate students in East Preanger, West Java, Indonesia. This study used a quantitative approach with multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the norms and values in communication and human network systems had a significant effect on the undergraduate students- entrepreneurial motivation in East Preanger, West Java, Indonesia. Better social capital provides the impetus to increase and develop entrepreneurial motivation. The capacity to support today-s entrepreneurial motivation is the development online social capital.
Social Capital, entrepreneurial motivation
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Corresponding Author
Yus Nugraha
Dept. of I/O Psychology,
Faculty of Psychology,
Universitas Padjadjaran
Bandung, Indonesia
Although the concept of social entrepreneurship has been popular in Indonesia since the last decade, little research has been done on the nature of motivation among Indonesian social entrepreneurs. This research attempted to explore the motivation of social entrepreneurs to create, maintain, and develop a social entrepreneurship project in Bandung, Indonesia. The “Push-Pull” Content Theory was used to delve into social entrepreneurs- motivation to create a Social Enterprise. In addition, a process theory, namely Bandura-s Self-Efficacy theory, was also used to explore social entrepreneurs motivation to develop and maintain Social Enterprise. This qualitative case study also involved content analysis of the data processed from in-depth interviews with four social entrepreneurs. The findings suggested that the motivation to create an Social Enterprise was dominated by “pull” factors, namely monetary motivation, altruism, passion, willingness to create a project, and family-related factor. The “push” factor was a work-related factor. Previous researchers found that monetary motivation did not contribute to Social Enterprise-s creation. Motivation to develop and maintain Social Enterprise was determined by social entrepreneurs- expectations , self-efficacy, role models, and prior experiences.
Bandura-s self-efficacy theory, social entrepreneurship, push-pull theory, social Enterprise
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Nizar Alam Hamdani
Universitas Garut
The industrial revolution era 4.0 requires business entities to use information and communication technology, particularly for marketing purposes. The present study examines the effect of social media use on barbershop business performance. The respondents are 43 owners of barbershops in Garut, Indonesia. Data processing was carried out using PLS-SEM analysis. It is revealed that the use of social media has a significant positive effect on barbershop business performance. Barbershop exposure in social media is one of the factors lined with increased sales.
Information and Communication Technology; Social Media Exposure; Barbershop Business Performance
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Ira Dwi Mayangsari
1,2Telkom University, Bandung, Indonesia
3 Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pandu Madania, Bogor, Indonesia
Instagram promotion can influence consumers- emotion in their process of deciding to buy a product of the brand. For social enterprises (SEs), sharing their social value to consumers not only for selling their product but also building emotional bounding. This paper aims to construct SEs visualization of their social value in their Instagram through a content analysis of visual information (pictures) and textual information (caption and hashtags). This work principally focuses on digital photography theory and persuasive communication on ten selected posting with highest responds from followers from three SEs. The result of this study indicates composition and filter as photography technic that mainly used in the Instagram posting while commitment, liking and social proof are the most common used in in persuasive technic.
Social enterprise, social value, instagram
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Anjani Maulaya
a), b), c) Industrial Engineering, School of Industrial and System Engineering, Telkom University, Bandung 40257, Indonesia
Policy in managing inventory becomes an important part of a company, including in Food Factory that involve several production activities. To support production activities, company needs machines to carry out production activities. In order to keep production activities running well, the company always strives to maintain the reliability of these machines. Spare parts are an important component to support these activities. The type and number of spare parts is not only one, but can reach thousands. Therefore, it is necessary to manage a good spare part inventory by the company to ensure the availability of spare parts in warehouse and of course avoid the accumulation of spare parts stock in warehouses that make inventory costs high. This study uses the base-stock policy (S-1, S) method, which is applied to high priority spare parts. Determination of high inventory (HI) category spare parts is obtained based on FRMIC classification (Fuzzy-Rule-based approach Multi -criteria Inventory Classification) which considers several criteria, including: unit price, consumption value, replenishment lead-time, critically and commonality. The use of the base-stock policy method is proven to be able to reduce total inventory cost.
Spare part; FRMIC; high inventory; base-stock policy; total inventory cost
Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Corresponding Author
Desy Anisya Farmaciawaty
School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung 40132
Efficient national medicine supply system is necessity to avoid shortages and stock outs of medicines. According to WHO, one factor that contribute to ensure availability and accessibility of medicines is coordinated healthcare partners and institutions. Therefore, this research aims to do a stakeholder analysis to understand and evaluate the stakeholder-s -related with medicine supply system- behavior, intentions, interrelations, and influence. Data were collected through focus group discussion and in-depth interview to healthcare providers, public health office, and medicine suppliers in West Java. To carry out this research, first we will identify all key (primary and secondary) stakeholders, next, we analyze the power, interest, and influence of the stakeholders using the stakeholder analysis matrix. From the research we will obtain information that can be used to help understand the power and interest of each stakeholder, the relationship among them and the issues they care about most.
medicine supply system; stakeholder analysis; stakeholder analysis matrix
Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Corresponding Author
Ardika Sulaeman
a)Post Graduate Program, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
b) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
c) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
d) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung
Soybean-based MSMEs in West Java are businesses that are proven to be able to survive in the long term with very large and ever-increasing consumer needs, pressure from customers and the public relating to product quality and safety.This often threatens business sustainability. It is necessary to have mutually beneficial cooperation between soybean-based MSMEs and stakeholders. It is expected to be able to overcome these problems. Thus, this study aims to determine the level of engagement with stakeholders, the achievement of business sustainability and to know the influence of stakeholder engagement on business sustainability. This research was conducted with a survey of 156 soybean-based MSMEs in West Java by distributing valid and reliable questionnaires. The results of this study state that engagement with stakeholders with suppliers, customers, communities and the government has taken place and contribute to improve the sustainability business of MSMEs.
business, sustainability, stakeholder, engagement, building
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Corresponding Author
Qorri Aina
(a)Sekolah Bisnis Manajemen ITB, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, (b)Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,(c) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Bandung as one of the most culinary tourism destinations in Indonesia and especially in West Java certainly has considerable opportunities to develop the food and beverage sector. And the phenomenon of the development of culinary business in the city of Bandung is currently growing rapidly, can be seen from the number of restaurants and food stalls that increase every year. So that it has been ascertained, for that we need the right strategy so that the company can compete and become superior compared to other competitors. This study aims to find out how business development strategies in culinary startups are hoping to improve corporate performance to be more advanced. To see how the competitiveness of the business environment is used, the Porter Five Forces model . And the application of strategies developed based on the SWOT grand matrix. The case in this study is a food and beverage startup company.
business development strategy, business startup, corporate performance, SWOT
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Wilman San Marino
(a) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr Setiabudi No 229 40154 Indonesia
(b) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr Setiabudi No 229 40154 Indonesia
Since the democratic reform era in Indonesia, many entrepreneurs have entered the world of practical politics. Entrepreneurs occupy various strategic positions in party management and even occupy positions in both the legislative and executive branches in Indonesia, so that firms emerge with political connections. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the stock return of politically connected firms and politically not connected firms in Indonesia after the reform era. The research method is explanatory research methods and using the Fama and French five-factor pricing model. The data used are secondary data originating from listed firms on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in a period of 20 years, starting from 1998 to 2018. The results of the study show that the stock returns politically connected firms are significantly affected by market risk, profitability and investment while stock returns politically unconnected firms are significantly influenced by size, value factor, profitability, investment.
politically connected firm, stock return, Fama-French five-factor model
Financial Management and Accounting
Corresponding Author
Kevin Yoditama
University of Indonesia
Master of Management (MM)
Jalan Salemba Raya No. 4, RW 5, Kenari, Senen District
Central Jakarta, DKI Jakarta
The globalization issue which one of the caused by keener market competition lead most of the industries facing agitation - including automotive industry. This forces company-s management to prepare more vivid strategy so the company able to sustain their existence and achieve certain target level of profitability. In the company whose team is running sales, one of the most important strategy needed by them is optimizing their sales business process to be more effective, with ultimate goal is to reach competitive advantage. It is required to have systematic method for improving the process regularly, where the most relevant method used by Japanese companies is implementing Kaizen. The critical success of Kaizen implementation has some main factors which will drive positive impact to sales achievement : management commitment and contribution from senior member. This research using reliability test, validity test and also significancy test to find out which critical success factor from Kaizen implementation that provide the most impactful to employee-s performance.
Sustainability, Kaizen, Business Process, Critical Success Factor, Employee-s performace
Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Corresponding Author
Widyo Nugroho
Postgraduate Student of Technology Management Department, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, Surabaya
BTS tower construction is often conducted only based on the perspective of the cellular operator company, that can provide benefits in terms of getting a wider coverage area. It is very clear that in the construction of BTS, operators only consider the determination of location based on their interests, ie the location of the appropriate BTS can maximize the coverage of coverage area coverage and service traffic. For the sustainable development, the selection of BTS construction sites should consider points of view from all stakeholders. Mobile operators consider the best location from a maximum profit standpoint for the long term, without negating the variables of government interest, considering from the point of view of the suitability of spatial and environmental allocations. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the decision-making in the appropriate location selection, either from the viewpoint of government, operators, or other relevant stakeholders. This study uses an empirical approach based on statistical methods (factor analysis) and mathematics in decision-making system (Decision Support System). Types of data used are qualitative data and quantitative data. The data are arranged in the form of variables are then elaborated to be done the factor analysis of these variables to obtain which variables that play a role in the construction of BTS tower. To identify variables that play a significant role, the process of factor analysis can also explain the closeness of relationships between variables, then the closely related variables are grouped into one group of factors, while the variables that do not play a significant role in the activities will be eliminated. This insignificant variable does not mean that the literature that states the variable is in the wrong role, but the variable is not appropriate to apply to the condition of this study so that its influence is not significant. Thus, the factor analysis process plays a role in the preparation of hierarchical structures that will be used in decision analysis using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. In this study, the AHP process is the final analysis that generates the priority of the BTS construction site.
base transceiver station, factor analysis, analitical hierarchy system
Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Corresponding Author
Mokh Adib Sultan
Management Study Program
Faculty of Economic and Business Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Tea commodities are among the leading commodities in a plantation company. Based on observations revealed the quality of products and the production of tea produced decreases. Therefore it is necessary to evaluate what factors can have an impact on the phenomenon. This research focuses on supply chain performance from upstream to downstream. This research uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML) approach. Data obtained from interviews and observations with the plantation. The results of the study show that in the supply chain performance the system is well formed, so it is necessary to consider several things that have a negative impact on the production process.
Supply chain, Unified Modeling Language
Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management
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