Event starts on 2019.08.08 for 1 days in Bandung
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Corresponding Author
Rita Ambarwati
a) Faculty of Business Law and Social Science, Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
Jalan Majapahit 666B, Sidoarjo 61215, Indonesia
Trust in local governments, especially villages, is needed in crisis situations, such as natural disasters, economic crises or political unrest. The purpose of this study is to measure citizen trust in public services of the government, especially in the village. The design of this study is a survey and the data is collected through a cross section using questionnaires. The unit of analysis are rural communities that use public services in village government. The method of data analysis used Exploratory Factor Analysis. The results of this study indicate that the quality of public services is the dominant factor but partisan involvement is a factor that needs to be a concern in increasing citizen trust. The practical research is useful for village governance to increase trust in village government services as part of the supporting factors that can make the development program of the central government will be success.
Citizen trust; public service; village government
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Corresponding Author
Syti Sarah Maesaroh
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The existence of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) plays an important and strategic role in national economic development. Tasikmalaya City is one of the regions in the East Priangan that has a rapidly developing creative economy industry. However, various problems in the development of MSMEs have become obstacles in increasing competitiveness. The variables that observed in this study are human resources, technological, managerial, institutional, promotional, and capital resources. The aim of the study is to analyze the clustering of MSME in Tasikmalaya City as an effort in developing the regional economy. This research uses quantitative descriptive method. Data was collected through an interview process using a questionnaire. Data is processed using Geographic Information System (GIS). The results showed that human resources were the most important factor in increasing the competitiveness of MSMEs, followed by managerial and techno-logical factors with a weight of 42%, 22% and 14% respectively. The competitiveness of MSMEs in Tasikmalaya City is still considered low, especially because of the lack of optimal institutional and promotional roles. Improvement of institutional roles is needed to be able to improve the level of competitiveness of MSMEs in Tasikmalaya City.
Geographic Information System; Clustering; MSMEs
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
R. Aditya Kristamtomo Putra
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
This study aims to determine whether there are differences in the termination of IPO Underpricing factors prior to the global financial crisis (2000-2007) and after the global financial crisis (2008-2017) in shares of companies going public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2000-2017. The tests were conducted using comparative test methods (paired sample t test). Then, regression test to understand how differences in the determination of IPO Underpricing factors before and after the global financial crisis by analyzing the factors that influence the occurrence of IPO underpricing before and after the crisis. The results of different tests indicate that there are significant differences in the value of Underpricing IPO in the period before and after the global financial crisis. The average Underpricing of IPOs declined after the crisis. Based on the results of the t test, factors that significantly influence the level of Underpricing IPO before the crisis (2000-2007) are company size, EPS, market capitalization and company age. While the factors that significantly influence the level of Underpricing IPO in the aftermath of the crisis (2008-2017) are company size, ROA, offering size/stock percentage, market capitalization and company age. Based on the results of the F test, the factor of company size, EPS, ROA, DER, underwriter reputation, percentage of supply, market capitalization and age of the company simultaneously affect IPO underpricing on shares of companies going public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange period 2000-2017.
Underpricing IPO, Companies go public on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Global financial crisis
Financial Management and Accounting
Corresponding Author
Rio Aurachman
a) Telkom University
Jalan Telekomunikasi Nomor 1, Bandung
b) Universitas Trisakti
Jl. Kyai Tapa No.1, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11440
c) IT Telkom Purwokerto
Jalan D.I. Panjaitan 128 Purwokerto
In 2018 a new standard for education institution management is issued, namely ISO 21001: 2018. These standards have similarities with ISO 9001: 2015. This Similarity will help Education institution to implement both of ISO 21001:2018 and ISO 9001: 2015. The institution doesn-t need large and drastic changes requirement and standard certification. Organizations only need to modify the existing management system. This paper displays shows the comparison between ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 21001: 2018. Following the analysis, we find that 47 sub-standards which the implementation requires adjustment and 14 sub-standards that do not require adjustment for implementation.
ISO 21001:2018, ISO 9001:2015, Management System, Education Management System
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Corresponding Author
Muhammad Oceano Fauzan
(a) Student Doctoral ilmu management Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
(b) Lecturer Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Compensation is one factor in achieving employee performance. Employee performance in the company is needed to achieve the companys vision and mission. To improve and maximize employee performance, the company must make, formulate, agree and give employees one of the factors is job satisfaction. Job satisfaction will make employees stay and survive in the company with the help of compensation factors provided. The population in this study were employees of PT. Inti Indo Sawit Subur, Batanghari Regency, amounting to 85 employees. Because the population in this study was less than 100 people, in this study the sampling method used the census method. The analysis technique uses path analysis to see the direct and indirect effects, and is continued by testing the R Square and testing hypotheses partially and simultaneously with the t test and F test. This study makes several conclusions based on the results of research namely compensation and job satisfaction on employee performance on PT. Inti Indo Sawit Subur Batanghari Regency is in pretty good condition; compensation has a positive and significant effect on performance; Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.
compensation, job satifaction, performance
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Corresponding Author
Ucu Supriatna
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The goals of this research are to find what factors affecting the rural banks in encountering the bank business competition, reasons why the rural banks in West Java gain difficulties in to possess the competitive advantages, and finding ways of the rural banks can surpass the competition. There are 87 respondents consisting the customers of the public banks and the rural ones. The data is analyzed using the multiple linear regression. The findings if the research show that the human resources total affects the service, the interest rate does not affect the service, the information technology does not affect the service partially and the human resources total, the interest rate and , the information technology affect the service simultaneously. In conclusion, the prominent factor the affects the service in the rural banks is the human resource management.
rural banks, human resource management, interest rate and information technology
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Nizar Alam Hamdani
Universitas Garut
The use of new innovations as tools to face competition is indeed considered effective enough to win the market. The absence of innovation will make consumers feel bored, leave the product, and we can be sure the business will sink amid the hustle and bustle of competition. This study analyzes the application of innovation strategy concepts in companies and SMEs. The approach in this study is scientific analysis of the literature and previous research on innovation strategies in SMEs. Based on the results of the study, the conceptual framework of the application of SME strategies was obtained, both dimensions, indicators and key to success and obstacles. The implication of this research is that there is an appropriate concept that can be used to develop research in the field of innovation strategy.
Conceptual Framework, Innovation Strategy, SMEs
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Radhi Aditya
Master of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia
Jl. Salemba Raya No. 4, Senen, Kota Jakarta Pusat
This study analyzes the relationship of perception and preferences on satisfaction and the usage rate of the digital payment system and the comparison of test differences between gender and age groups. To conclude the research, we also analyze the relationship of usage rate to habit of using the digital payment system. The perception dimensions include ease of use, usefulness, trust, hedonism, social, self-efficacy, attitude, and security. For the preference, factors that were studied are the types of transactions carried out on the digital payment system. For the satisfaction, factors that were studied are the level of user satisfaction in the digital payment system. For the dimensions of the usage rate, the items are the user intensity in using the digital payment applications. The data collected from the respondents were analyzed using the correlation test, linear regression test, the analysis of variance test (ANOVA), and Chi-Square test. From the research, we can conclude that there is a relationship between perception and satisfaction, satisfaction and preference, perception and preference. The relationship of perception, satisfaction, and preference to application usage rate is partially supported, and the relationship of usage rate and habit in using the applications is also supported.
Consumer Behavior; Digital Payment;
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Evelyn Pricisilia Sumendap
School of Economic and Business, Telkom University
Jalan Gegerkalong Hilir No. 47 Bandung
40152 Jawa Barat – Indonesia
The use of smartphones in Indonesia currently has a high duration of usage and frequency when compared to the use of computers and laptops.The company began to transfer its business from the site into an application, which also aims for the ease and mobility of consumers in online buy and sell transactions that currently have a very rapid development and demand by the community.Tokopedia is one of the companies selling online trading services through websites and applications, but is currently focused on improving the features of the service on the mobile application.This research was conducted to analyze consumer behavior in using Tokopedia application, but on adopters late majority.Although the number of online marketplace users has been very much, there are still users who have not been touched well like early and late majority.The population in this research is the people who are in Indonesia who have entered the new late majority category or are still studying in using Tokopedia application.The samples used in this study were 400 respondents. The results reveal that there are five factors in the Model UTAUT2 that significantly affect the intent of the behavior of the use of Tokopedia application that is Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Price Value and Perceived Security & Risk and the five factors have an influence on Continuance Intention. In terms of moderation, both Age and Gender moderated several factors against Continuance Intention.
Digital Marketing, Tokopedia, e-commerce, UTAUT2, late majority
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Sabrina Haunan
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Magister Manajemen, Universitas Indonesia
Jalan Salemba Raya 4, Jakarta , DKI Jakarta, 10430, Indonesia
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of perceived consumption values and investigating the key determinants of behavior on the likelihood of using and recommending a subscription video streaming application. We proposed a conceptual framework based on the theory of consumption values. Moreover, user-s satisfaction also incorporated into the research model. A total of 276 valid questionnaires were collected from potential streaming application service users through an online survey. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques. The result supports most of the hypothesis and shows that all of the perceived consumption values have a significant positive impact on behavior on likelihood using and recommending subscription video streaming application. We also provide a detailed discussion about these findings, and the theoretical and practical implications of the research.
Streaming Apps; Consumption Values; Satisfaction; Recommendation.
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Ali Mohamad Rezza
a) Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia
b) Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia
c) Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia
d) Sekolah Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. 229 Bandung 40154 Jawa Barat - Indonesia
Strict business competition in the courier service industry in Indonesia, makes courier service companies increasingly need to improve their services to consumers in order to create satisfaction and also create a close relationship with consumers. Previous studies have shown that the formation of relationships between consumers and brands provides many benefits for companies such as the emergence of competitive advantages, brand loyalty, positive word of mouth, word of mouth advocacy, consumer retention and consumer resistance to other brands. This study examines how consumer-brand relationship (CBR) can be formed by increasing perceived brand experience of consumer. This research used cross-sectional survey explanatory method and using structural equation modelling approach to test the hypothesis. A questionnaire was sent to 200 courier service consumers in West Java. Result indicate that brand experience is a good predictor of consumer-brand relationship especially to brand-self distance variable.
Consumer-brand Relationship; Brand Experience; Courier Service;
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Raden Synthia Billqis
a) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia
b) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No.229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia
Customer Behavior Citizenship (CCB) is a voluntary behavior of the customers in providing mental and physical input that can improve the efficiency of a company as well as new ideas that can be the source of business strategy. Lack or absence of CCB on customers can make a company slow in evolving in improving services, if left unchecked it will impact even greater. This research was conducted to identify the influence of corporate reputation and its impact on customer citizenship behavior in one of the 4star Hotels in the city of Bandung. The analysis technique used is the path analysis with a sample of 106 respondents. The results showed that the influence of the corporates reputation has a positive and significant influence on the CCB. The dimension of Quality Products and Services has a high score, proving that the performance of the Corporate Reputation has received high appreciation.
Corporate Reputation; Customer Citizenship Behavior; Quality Products and Services; Hotel
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Reminta Lumban Batu
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
Indonesia is one of the destinations for foreign companies to open branches of fast-food restaurants so that more and more interested parties will be in line with the business expansion of each company. Consumerism and lifestyle that occur in the community make competition for fast food in Indonesia said to be quite a lot of competitors. This study examines foreign branded fast food restaurants in Purwasuka (Purwakarta, Subang, Karawang). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of brand image in facing the competitiveness of fast food restaurants. This research is quantitative research conducted using descriptive and verification analysis. The type of data used in this study is the type of primary data and secondary data. The Data processed using outer model analysis and analysis of structural models analyzed by PLS software. The results of this study indicate that theres positive influence on brand image on competitiveness.
Brand Image, Competitiveness,
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Pratiwi Arizona
Magister Management Universitas Indonesia, University of Brimingham
Due to increasing in market competition, companies in various industries are expected to be responsive to their dynamic environment. Service industry is no exception. This paper aims to identify the effective internal factors of cross functional team in technological-based service company: NSIAPay in order to keep the value among employees while facing a fast-changing business world. A case study from technological-based service company help to characterize several factors that influenced the effectiveness of cross-functional team trough shared leadership, cohesion and internal team environment with its antecedent factors. This research used Structured Equation Modelling and only carried out in financial technology company, NSIAPay. Trough this research, it shows the influence of Internal team environment, cohesion and Shared Leadership towards Cross-functional team effectiveness. The higher the level of Internal team environment and partially mediated by Cohesion will give positive influence towards Cross-Functional team effectiveness. The relationship between Internal team environment mediated by Shared Leadership will impact negative influence towards Cross-functional Team.
Cross functional team; technological-based service company; dynamic environment; fast-changing world; Internal team environment; Cohesion; Shared Leadership; Structured equation modelling
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Corresponding Author
Dani Leonidas Sumarna
School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung
The purpose of this study is to determine the correlation of Brand Factor to Customer-Based Brand Equity from logistics courier company in Indonesia. This research is going to use partial least square (PLS) with sample data is obtained through online survey of 100 respondents who have experience with online shopping in Indonesia. This study indicates positive relationship between perceive value to customer-based brand equity; positive relationship between brand loyalty with customer-based brand equity; and positive relationship between brand awareness/ association with customer-based brand equity.
Brand Factor, Customer-Based Brand Equity, logistic courier.
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Itca Istia Wahyuni
Itca Istia Wahyuni, Dini Salmiyah Fitrah Ali, Gusnaelly Fitryati Adilla
Telkom University
Customer Behaviour, Crowd funding, Influencer.
Corresponding Author
Vera Silviana
a) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan DR. Setiabudi no. 229 Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
b) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan DR. Setiabudi no. 229 Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
c) Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jalan DR. Setiabudi no. 229 Bandung 40154, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
The business tendency of the telecommunications industry is influenced by the high level of competition, fare wars, as well as high customer demands to the quality of a service provider. The purpose of this research was to see the implementation of Customer Equity in companies engaged in the telecommunications industry that consists of dimensions of Value Equity, Brand Equity, and Relationship Equity. To support this research, 20 students from one of the universities in Bandung were interviewed, which were then processed by using descriptive methods. The results showed that the implementation of Customer Equity fosters loyalty to customers. By doing Customer Equity, it can keep long term customers to remain loyal while getting new customers.
Customer Equity, Value Equity, Brand Equity, Relationship Equity
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Pratiwi Arizona
Magister Manajemen, Universitas Indonesia
Online customers- segmentation could be valuable research topic of marketing strategy. Previous literatures mainly studied the differences between non-purchasers and purchasers, lacking further segmentation of online customers itself. This paper focuses on online customers segmentation based on large volume of real transaction data in one of Indonesia e-commerce website. This research proposed the clustering method of customers using K-Means algorithm, and RFM Patterns as an analysis of customer profiling; then we perform the market basket analysis using Apriori algorithm for every cluster in order to get more information of frequently purchased products by customers. Later on, the analysis could be an input for respective company in designing their product recommendation system for segmented customers.
association rule mining; customers profile; K-Means algorithm; market basket analysis; RFM
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Moh. Hasymi Quzwen
School of Postgraduate Studies
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The main purpose of this study is to examine the theoretical and empirical evidence on the causal relationship between the implementation of customer relationship management (CRM) and corporate performance. A research conceptual model is developed to depict the impact of three - organizational, strategic, cultural - factors on CRM implementation and the implications for corporate performance. The analysis was made up of 120 questionnaires from courier companies all over Indonesia. Since in courier industry, customers- need and preferences change frequently, as do the competitors, so the moderating effect of market turbulence (market dynamism and market uncertainty) on the relationship between CRM implementation and corporate performance was also investigated. A structural equation modelling (SEM) test with maximum likelihood estimation was performed to test the relationship among organizational-strategic-cultural factors, CRM implementation, and corporate performane. The results indicate that organizational, strategic, and cultural factors, have positive effects on CRM implementation. The results also indicate that CRM implementations have significant positive effects on corporate performances of courier companies that do business-to-business marketing. Additionally, it is indicated that market turbulence negatively moderates the relationship between CRM implementation and corporate performance.
Customer relationship management, business-to-business marketing, corporate performance, market turbulence, courier industry
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Nandan Limakrisna
a) Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Y.A.I Jakarta
b*) Universitas Persada Indonesia Y.A.I Jakarta and Universitas Winaya Mukti Bandung
c) Universitas Teknologi Yogyakarta
d) ABFII Perbanas Jakarta
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of company risk, firm size and profitability on tax avoidance in property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2017. The sample selection method used was purposive sampling. The population in this study was 48 and the sample used was 29 companies. The data processing method used is the panel data regression model using Eviews 9.0. The results of the study show that the companys risk variables, company size and profitability affect tax avoidance.
Company Risk, Company Size, Tax Profitability, Tax Avoidation
Financial Management and Accounting
Corresponding Author
R.Evayanthy Banjarnahor
University Indonesia
Jakarta, Indonesia
Perum Jamkrindo is SOE that is engaged in credit guarantee. Credit guarantee activities which is carried out by Perum Jamkrindo make it has a very important role for the Indonesian economy. As a company that has vision to become the leader of guarantee company, it is supposed that it has a performance measurement that does not only focus on the financial perspective. In order to achieve its goals, Perum Jamkrindo has to improve its performance continously as reflected in aspects of the evaluation of Kriteria Penilaian Kinerja Unggul (KPKU) as mandatory by the Ministry of SOE of the Republic Indonesia. The aspect of the evaluation of the KPKU must be supported by a KPI-based performance measurement design that offers opportunities for every element of the company to achieve satisfactory results. The purpose of this research is to provide suggestions and input in compiling and designing performance measurements for Perum Jamkrindo. The method used in this study is a qualitative method through semi-structured interviews with SOEs that have implemented the KPKU-based KPI. The result of this research is a design model of performance measurement and stages how to create a performance measurement that can be applied for the other SOEs.
Performance Measurement, Strategy Map, Balanced Scorecard, Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Kriteria Penilaian Kinerja Unggul (KPKU)
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Gilang Mangestika
(a) School Of Industrial Engineering, Telkom University, Jl. Telekomunikasi No.01, Sukapura, Dayeuhkolot, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40257, Indonesia.
SMASH.ID is one of the digital startups that provides applications to connect garbage banks, customers and the government. SMASH in 2018 is not maximal in achieving its targets. This is because the strategy used is considered to be less effective. The purpose of this study was to find out how the performance of SMASH digital startup in 4 balanced scorecard perspectives. The method used in processing the data in this study was the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. From the results of weighting shows that the most influential perspective is the customers perspective with a percentage of 27%. The assessment carried out using BSC shows that the performance of SMASH is included in the good category, with a rating scale of 72%.
Startup; Strategy ; Balanced Scorecard; AHP
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Jodie Ridha Arrozak
a) School of Industrial and System Engineering, Telkom University
Jl. Telekomunikasi Terusan Buah Batu No.1 Bandung 40257, Indonesia
Research, development, and manufacturing company in this tight and competitive environment must have good performance to achieve sustainability. Employee loyalty is one of the main aspect to deliver good performance and sustainability. Research and development activities usually produce intangible result which is difficult to be measured. In the other hand, manufacturing activities can be easily measured by product and quality. The difficulties of performance measurement may cause unfair compensation that lead to unsatisfied employee. This study took a case in XYZ Company on designing sustainable employee performance measurement system to improve productivity, employee loyalty, and sustainability. XYZ company is a private company that works in research, development, and manufacturing. This study propose new concept of employee performance measurement system that suitable for all of the activities in XYZ company to deliver fair performance measurement.
Performance Measurement System; Research and Development; Sustainable
Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Human Resources Management
Corresponding Author
Arya Wedha Rieantiari
a) Magister Akuntansi, Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Indonesia
b) Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Indonesia
This study aims to detect indications of bond defaults by conducting a thorough analysis from published financial statement. Published financial statement of the firm have roles to give value added information for investors and creditors in making investment decision. Those roles can be failed when management do creative accounting to mislead users of the financial statement. PT Trikomsel Oke, Tbk (TRIO)s financial statements show that the companys revenue and profits increased during 2009-2014. However, the Indonesia rating agency (PEFINDO) declared default on both bonds issued by TRIO in November 2015, even though the signal TRIO gave to its financial statements was an unqualified opinion from one of the big four Public Accountants (KAP) for six consecutive years, and got PEFINDOs investment grade. The financial statement is analyzed with financial ratio and financial shenanigans indicators. Evidences show that there are some red flags of creative accounting and shenanigans action before the bonds declared a default in 2015. The profitability ratio that is not in line with cash flow from operation is the main concern of shenanigans indicators and also the highlight from all respondents. This result suggests investors and creditors to be more vigilant in analyzing the published annual report
shenanigan indicators; financial statement analysis; bond defaults.
Financial Management and Accounting
Corresponding Author
yuliani dwi lestari
(a) School of Business and Management Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
(b) Dept. of Commerce Administration Bandung State Polytechnic, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
This study probes the factors that potentially influence the entrepreneur-s decision to address the global Halal market. It explores the direct effects of Halal perceived usefulness (HPU) towards firm-s practice in Halal business as well as its prerequisite factors (i.e. internal and external drivers). From 41 Halal certified-firms in Taiwan (Muslim minority country), this study employs partial least squares structural equation modeling for testing and examining relationships among factors. From the findings, HPU are the factors can influence the firm-s decision to perform Halal business directly, meanwhile, internal and external drivers are the prerequi-sites for firm-s entry in Halal business. In addition, the internal driver can mediate external driver on affecting Halal perceived usefulness generation.
Halal business, firm-s entry, Muslim-minority country
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Siti Mufattahah
a*) Program Doktor Ilmu Manajemen Universitas Padjadjaran. Bandung. Indonesia.
b) Universitas Padjadjaran. Bandung. Indonesia
The purpose of this study is to find out, analyze, and examine the effect of service operations and service delivery, both simultaneously and partially on the value of health insurance services in West Java , the effect of service operations and service delivery both simultaneously and partially on the trust of service users Health Insurance Services in West Java, Influence of service value on trust of service users through the value of Health Insurance Services in West Java, and Effect of service operations and service delivery on service users trust, through the value of Health Insurance services in West Java. The method used in this study is a literature study, which is to find relevant references to cases or problems found. The results of the study show that service operations and service delivery, both simultaneously and partially influence the value of health insurance services in West Java, service operations and service delivery, both simultaneously and partially affect the trust worthiness of health insurance service users in West Java, The value of services influences the trust of service users through the value of health insurance services in West Java, and service operations and service delivery affect the trust of service users through the value of health insurance services in West Java.
service operations, service delivery, service value, customer trust
Marketing Management
Corresponding Author
Endrianto Ustha
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of success themselves, would risk tolerance, freedom of work, need for achievement, and the readiness of the instrumentation in Bandung against the student wishes to become entrepreneurial. Types of data used is primary data. Methods the research was survey with inductive analysis approach to look at ways that are generally used in a tested factors influencing students desire to become entrepreneurs. Method of data collection using the questionnaire with the number of respondents as many as 100 people. Sampling techniques used are simple random techniques (Random Sampling Method). The data is processed and analyzed by using SPSS application assistance. Analytical tools used in this study is testing the validity, reliability, and multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that the variable Self Success, freedom of work and the need for achievement is dominant in the variables affect the desire of the Students in Bandung to become Entrepreneurs.
The Success Of The Self, Will Risk Tolerance, Freedom Of Work, Need For Achievement, The Readiness Of The Instrumentation.
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Fakultas Kewirausahaan, Universitas Garut
Jl.Jati No.42B Tarogong Kaler, Garut
Digital entrepreneurship is an effort to use information technology for businesses, in which entrepreneurs utilize digital platforms in commercial activities to connect with customers, develop products and renew services. This paper describes leather entrepreneurs- perseptions about platform as a strategy in digital entrepreneurship. The results of data analysis show that the respondents have good perceptions about platform. They can select, manage, store, and interpret platform. The adoption of digital entrepreneurship by leather entrepreneurs is facilitated by prolific use of internet, ICT savviness, prior knowledge and education, family environment, personal needs, easy internet access, media, and programming experts. Leather entrepreneurs use platform as a strategy to adopt digital entrepreneurship.
digital entrepreneurship, platform strategy
Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship and Contemporary Issues
Corresponding Author
Adam Hermawan
Digital Business, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
The era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 has almost been felt at this time. The era was marked by the use of digital technology that encouraged automation and data exchange in manufacturing technology. This era often raises concerns for many parties about human work that will be replaced by the latest technology. Even so, when more and more new digital-based businesses are emerging that are opening up new jobs, this new digital-based business is often referred to as Startup. Startup is a term or term for entrepreneurs who are starting a business in the digital field. In starting a digital business, you must have the ability in the IT field. There are many services offered, such as website creation, software, mobile applications, and others. Startup prioritizes interesting and creative content so that people are interested. To get started, startups need to think about strategies. The strategy itself is in the form of an action plan to achieve the desired goals, and it is suggested that these objectives must be measured properly. For example: through a digital marketing campaign that runs for 2 months, startups want to produce a trial trial increase of products by 15%. But the strategy will also depend on the scale of the business. At the startup level, having focused and simple goals is highly recommended. Even in the implementation of the pioneering Start-up, now it must be more responsive to users or consumers. This is referred to as User Experience. User experience is the attitude, behavior and emotions of users when using a product, system or service. This experience involves individual perceptions related to perceived benefits, the convenience obtained. User experience is very dynamic, over time the user perceived perceptions can change with changing environments, habits and values.
Marketing, Digital Marketing, Social Media, Technology, Technopreneur, Startup
Innovation, IT, Operations and Supply Chain Management
Corresponding Author
Suparno Suparno
Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang
This study aims to test influence the independent variables Debt Policy proxied by Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and profitability is proxied Return On Equity (ROE) of the variable value of the company proxy Price to Book Value (PBV) with a dividend policy that proxy Dividend pa y out ratio (DPR) as moderation variable . Technical analysis uses panel data regression with a common effect, fixed effect, and random effect on registered manufacturing companies and publish financial statements on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2011-2017. The purposive sampling method and data are processed using e-views version 8.0 software. Test results Chow and Hausman test, regression model corresponding to fa c tors know the factors that influence the value of the company PBV dividend policy as moderation proxied by the DPR. The results of data processing show that debt policy (DER) has a negative effect on firm value (PBV), and profitability (ROE) has a positive effect on firm value (PBV). But the company value is simultaneously influenced by all independent variables. Furthermore, dividend policy is able to moderate the capital structure relationship (DER) and profitability (ROE) on company value (PBV).
Company Value, dividend policy, capital structure and profitability
Financial Management and Accounting
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<a target="_blank" href="https://ifory.id"><img src="https://ifory.id/ifory.png" title="Ifory - Indonesia Conference Directory" width="150" height="" border="0"></a>
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